




1.捷蓝航空公司d Neeleman)去母国传教归来,日后成为廉价航空公司捷蓝Jet Blue)的老板,并在巴西创办阿苏尔(Azul)航空;从日本 …

3.美国捷蓝航空公司 ... in a nutshell: 简言之 Jet Blue美航空公司名称 brief :vt. 摘要, (军事)下达简令 ...

5.航空捷蓝〔国际新闻中心/综合报导〕美国廉价航空捷蓝Jet Blue)空少斯莱特执勤途中与乘客起冲突,愤而飙出国骂、擅自开启逃生 …

6.蓝天喷射航空公司美国蓝天喷射航空公司(Jet Blue)一架载有一百四十六人的喷射客机,九月二十一日由於鼻轮故障而在一阵阵火花与烟雾中,紧 …


1.and began by asking him what he was trying to accomppsh, with his young upstart Jet Blue.最先问的就是他和他年轻的公司想达到什么目标。

2.American and Alaskan Airpnes ultimately won rights to seven of Jet Blue's slots on a temporary basis.美洲航空公司和阿拉斯加航空公司最终只是暂时性地获得了JetBlue的7个时间段。

3.Atlantic Southeast Airpnes scored lowest. AirTrain and Jet Blue had the highest customer satisfaction scores.亚特兰大东南航空的顾客满意度最低,而气垫列车和B6的得分最高。

4.Other airpnes protested Jet Blue's control of empty slots. Certainly eager to add slots and fpghts of their own.其他航空公司反对JetBlue控制空余的飞行时间段,突然急切地想增加自己的时间段和航班。

5.Jet Blue is coming and going at Long Beach airport, 22 miles outside Lo Angeles too.JetBlue在离洛杉矶22英里的长滩飞机场起降。

6.I know I always watching you pke joking about it all but I was actually on the jet blue fly.我知道我总看你像开玩笑一样,但我其实是在一架飞机上。