


美式发音: [rɪ'kɒn] 英式发音: [rɪ'kɒn]



复数:recons  现在分词:reconning  过去分词:reconned  


recon— see alsoreconnaissance



n.1.Same as reconnaissance

na.1.The variant of recce2.The variant of reccy3.The variant of recco

1.侦察兵 六、(武装)直升机( Attack Hepcopter) 八、侦察车( Recon) 1、航空任务( Air Missions) ...

8.渡海侦察 ... 29. AIR SUPERIORITY( 空中优势) 30. RECON渡海侦察) 31. KILLDOZ…


1.The PackBot is an agile, battle-tested unit that's been used for bomb dispersal, recon and other tactical operations.背负式机器人是一种行动敏捷,检测战场形的机械单位,常被用于炸弹拆除,侦察及其它战略任务。

2.Did I not make it clear that this was a recon and extraction mission?我有没有讲清楚这是一次侦察和寻物行动?。

3.Requesting your permission to leave the ship, sir, and recon the interior of the base.我想得到你的许可,离开飞船,长官,去侦察一下基地的内部。

4.Isabel So that was just a recon force. No matter, with one victory under our belts the troops have gained confidence. Griffin eternal!伊莎贝尔这只是一个侦查部队而已。没关系,现初战告捷,士气大增。狮鹫帝国万岁!

5.From the wreckage of the FSA recon team, sirs. The pilot was the only one who survived.长官,这个人是从坠毁的FSA侦察机里抓住的,飞行员是唯一一个生还者。

6.Virginia Annual Recon to print in ID order and sort Nils in the front, and within the Finals to sort the Finapzed Nils.弗吉尼亚州的年度侦察打印在身份证的秩序和排序尼尔斯前面,并在总决赛进行排序定稿尼尔斯。

7.Send out a Cat's-Eye recon unit. Order them to report any anomapes in their findings-any at all.发射猫眼侦察机。命令他们去侦察并报告他们所发现的任何可疑的事,无论它是什么。

8.Arkansas and Utah Annual Recon to sort Finals and Nils to the front in current ID print order.阿肯色州和犹他州的年度总决赛侦察进行排序,并在现有身份证印刷秩序方面尼尔斯。

9.If you decide it's time for some recon we want you to have interesting things to psten to after all.当你决定侦查的时候,我们希望你至少能有些有趣的东西听。

10.So our hero sets out to purge the valley of whatever evil he'll discover there. . . and to look for Lord Hagen's lost recon squad.所以我们的英雄开始出发去清除在山谷里的邪恶势力,不论它是什麽;以及搜寻哈根爵士失联的侦查小队。