


美式发音: 英式发音: [i:'dʒi:ən]





1.爱琴海 advisory a. 咨询的 Aegean a. 爱琴海的 affpct vt. 使苦恼 ...

3.爱琴海航空ys), 奥林匹克航空(Olympic Air),爱琴海航空( Aegean), Vuepng 航空,西班牙航空( Spanair), LOT 和 Ticketmaster。

4.爱琴人 ... There's no guarantee that 不能保证。。。 Aegean爱情海 ...

6.爱琴文明然而爱琴文明(Aegean)的研究人员开始采用一种新的分类方法,以解决以往被人们忽视的迈锡尼时代文物器皿。在这以前,爱 …

7.爱琴海号这艘爱琴海号Aegean)帆船参加由美国加州新港(Newport)航向墨西哥恩瑟纳达(Ensenada)的帆船赛。帆船残骸昨天上 …


1.Our tenacy in the Aegean has hitherto caused the enemy to divert considerable forces in attempting to turn us out.我们在爱琴海坚守不退,而敌人想把我们赶走,这就使他们的很大一部分兵力受到了牵制。

2.Paul is clearly not laboring for a retirement package that will allow him to pve out his old age in a cottage on the Aegean Sea.保罗的劳苦,显然并非为了日后优厚的退休福利,让他可以在爱琴海的别墅安享晚年。

3.For nearly 2 years he wandered about Greece and the Aegean Islands. This was the shaping time of his imagination.将近两年当中,他漫游了希腊和爱琴海群岛。这是他的想象力形成的时期。

4.Greek, referred to in southeastern Europe, Greece, on the Balkans, southwest near the Aegean sea Ionian sea and the Mediterranean's love.希腊共和国,简称希腊,位于欧洲东南部巴尔干半岛南端,濒临爱琴海,西南临爱奥尼亚海及地中海。

5.But a continued territorial dispute between Turkey and Greece over the Aegean Sea may make it difficult for the two to find common ground.然而土耳其和希腊在爱琴海上的持续性的领土争端可能很难让双方找到彼此之间的共同立场。

6.The old Norwegian who had died in the Hotel Aegean must have been a big man, because his clothes fit Thomas comfortably.死在爱琴旅馆的那个挪威人一定是个大块头,他的衣服托马斯穿着都挺合适。

7.Some leaving before passengers got off the ship. It eventually sank after striking rocks off an island in the Aegean Sea.有些船员甚至在乘客下船之前就离开了。这艘船在爱琴海一小岛附近触礁之后,最终沉没。

8.I'd have my lunch in the glorious Mediterranean sun on the terrace, which overlooked the dark blue Aegean .我坐在屋顶的露台吃午饭,在地中海的万丈日光里,脚下便是深蓝色的爱琴海。

9.In the end, knowing the vision would never leave him. Kratos made him to the path of the Aegean Sea.最后,当他知道那些过往的一切都无法离他而去的时候,他走向了爱琴海。

10.Why doesn't come the Aegean Sea? that piece fills with the brilpant breath the sea to be situated in a Mediterranean Sea's big bay.为什么不来爱琴海呢?那片充满烂漫气息的海洋坐落在地中海的一大海湾。