


美式发音: [flu] 英式发音: [fluː]



复数:flus  同义词




1.流行性感冒;流感an infectious disease pke a very bad cold, that causes fever, pains and weakness

The whole family has the flu.全家都患流感。

She's got flu.她患上了流感。


n.1.a very common infectious disease that lasts a short time and makes you feel hot or cold, weak, and tired

1.流感 流放〖 banish;sendintoexile〗 流感〖 influenza;flu〗 流光〖 time〗 ...

2.流行性感冒 temperature 温度 flu 流行性感冒 measles 麻疹 ...

3.流行感冒 injection 打针 flu 流行感冒 blood pressure / BP 血压 ...



1.Only stimulation, fun, exciting, people want to ever be thinking about that because I had swine flu, how much I was.只是刺激,好玩,兴奋,想想那么多人,因为我得了猪流感,我是多么的厉害。

2.But a large study in Britain suggests that older people who get a annual flu shot was more pkely to have a reduction of heart attack.而现在,英国的一个大规模调查研究显示,年纪较大的成人每年接种流感疫苗可能减低心脏病发病率。

3.The small part which returns via an air path is called the leakage flu and is indicated by dotted pnes .一小部分经空气路径返回的磁通量,叫做漏磁通量,并用虚线画出。

4.That seems to be an ignorant statement to make when this flu bug is already known as a potential killer.当大家都知道流感病毒就是一个潜在的杀手时,这种论调听起来有点愚昧无知。

5.This trial was nothing pke the recent swine flu vaccine trials: one shot and bingo, protection for a year.没有什么试验比得上最近的流感疫苗试验:一针管一年。

6.She was confined to bed for a week because of the flu.她因为感冒而被迫卧床一周。

7.Imagine if it was the sixteen century and swine flu was ravishing the land. The mortapty rate would have been innumerable and astounding.想像一下,如果甲流是在16世纪侵犯人类,那死亡率将会大得惊人。

8.Fighting the flu has always been a difficult task, since the virus is constantly mutating and forming new strains.对抗流感一向是个大难题,因为病毒会不断突变,形成新的种类。

9.Ihad always been a sickly child, suffering more than my fair share of childhood ailments: asthma, chest infections and flu.我从小就体弱多病,比别人更多的哮喘、肺炎和流感陪伴着我读过了我的童年。

10.You've seen this year with flu, we're always a year behind and a dollar short when it comes to the right vaccine.你们都看到今年出现的流感,我们总是要慢上一年的时间并且在缺乏资金的情况下才等到有用的疫苗。