


美式发音: [nəˈɡɔɪə] 英式发音: [nɑ:ˈɡəujɑ:]





un.1.city in Japan, on Honshu Island. It is the capital city and industrial center of Aichi Prefecture.

1.名古屋 OSAKA( 大阪) NAGOYA名古屋) TOKYO( 东京成田) ...

2.日本名古屋 我去过我想去 伦敦塔 伦敦塔(Tower of London) …

4.名古屋日本 Montreal 蒙特利尔加拿大 Nagoya 名古屋日本 Naples 那不勒斯意大利 ...

5.名古屋市中心 冲绳泊阁酒店 Hotel Cresia 名古屋市中心( Nagoya) 市中心( City Centre Nagoya) ...

6.名古屋店 Nagasaki 长崎日本东亚 Nagoya 名古屋日本东亚 Naha 那坝日本东亚 ...

8.爱知县 福冈(福冈) Fukuoka 名古屋(爱知县Nagoya 那霸(冲绳) Naha ...


1.Nagoya Mayor Kawamura Takashi said the Nanjing Massacre "probably never happened" on Monday while meeting with a delegation from Nanjing.周一,名古屋市市长河村隆之在会见南京代表团访问时,宣称南京大屠杀“可能没有这回事”。

2.It was the strength of that opposition which drove the subject onto the agenda at Nagoya.在反对派力量的推动下,这些思想成为了此次名古屋大会议程的一项主题。

3.A year after leaving Monaco he was named coach of Nagoya Grampus Eight in what was still the fledgpng J-League.在离开摩纳哥一年之后,他被任命为名古屋八鲸队的主教练,征战刚刚起步的J联赛。

4.I just love the fall in Nagoya. The sky is always blue. When tree leaves turn red, you may enjoy the beautiful scenery.我很喜欢名古屋的秋,天总是那么的蓝。当树叶变红的时候,就可以尽情享受那万般美景。

5.Each will be targeted at a particular government, and they will be asked to sign up to it before the meeting in Nagoya.每一项任务均针对一个特定的政府,要求他们在名古屋召开会议之前将其签署。

6.Hopefully the agreement reached in Nagoya will change all that.在名古屋达成的协议将有望改变这一切。

7.Nagoya designated parts of its waterfront as a disaster prevention zone.名古屋指定部分海滨作为防灾区。

8.This original project was especially developed for a young couple and is located near Nagoya, Japan.这件原创作品事特别为一对住在日本名古屋附近的年轻夫妻设计的。

9.Her works used to chosen into Nagoya Itinerant Exhibition. Her oil paintings have been pubpshed and recommended by the Chinese Collection.作品曾应邀参加日本名古屋巡展,《中国收藏》专版推介油画作品。

10.Participants hope to reach a global agreement on ABS at the next UN biodiversity conference in Nagoya, Japan, in 2010.他们希望能在下次联合国生物多样性大会于2010年在日本名古屋召开期间达成一项关于遗传资源获取和利益分享的全球性协议。