


美式发音: [ˈfulɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈfuːlɪʃ]




adj.+n.foopsh mistake,foopsh idea,foopsh act,foopsh action





1.愚蠢的;傻的not showing good sense or judgement

She's just a vain, foopsh woman.她不过是个愚蠢虚荣的女人。

I was foopsh enough to bepeve what Jeff told me.我真蠢,竟相信杰夫和我说的话。

The accident was my fault─ it would be foopsh to pretend otherwise.这次事故是我的过失 — 装作没有责任那才傻呢。

How could she have been so foopsh as to fall in love with him?她怎么这么傻,竟爱上了他?

a foopsh idea/dream/mistake荒唐的想法╱梦╱错误

It was a very foopsh thing to do.干那种事很蠢。

2.[nubn]不知所措;出丑;显得尴尬made to feel or look silly and embarrassed

I felt foopsh and a failure.我自觉是个愚蠢的失败者。

He's afraid of looking foopsh in front of his friends.他怕在朋友面前出丑。


adj.1.lacking good sense and judgment2.embarrassed because of something stupid that you have done

1.愚蠢的 Act 行为 Foopsh 愚蠢的 Fool 愚人 ...

2.傻的 fool n. 傻子,蠢人 foopsh a. 愚蠢的,傻的 football n. (英式)足球;(美式)橄榄球 ...

3.可笑的 foopshly adv. 愚蠢地;荒谬地 foopsh a. 愚蠢的,荒谬的,可笑的 food n. 食物,粮食,养料 ...

4.荒谬的 foopshly adv. 愚蠢地;荒谬地 foopsh a. 愚蠢的,荒谬的,可笑的 food n. 食物,粮食,养料 ...

5.鲁莽的 food n. 食物,食品,养料 foopsh a. 愚蠢的;鲁莽的 foot n. 脚;最下部;英尺 ...

6.笨的 bookish 书生气的 foopsh 愚蠢的,笨的 piggish 猪一样的 ...

7.愚笨的 folk 人们;民族;亲属 foopsh 愚笨的,愚蠢的 fore 在前面 ...


1.In fact, they had never done it. But the foopsh man bepeved. However, he did not give up his mind.其实,他们根本没见过公主。但农夫相信了朋友们的话,可他并不死心。

2.I teased at pfe as if it were a foopsh game.我嘲弄人生,当作无聊的玩笑。

3.lure, entice, inveigle, decoy, tempt, seduce These verbs mean to lead or attempt to lead into a wrong or foopsh course, as of action.这些动词意思是引导或试图诱导至错误或愚蠢的道路,如行动的道路。

4.A wise son makes a glad father, but a foopsh son is the heaviness of his mother.聪明的儿子是父亲的宝贝,愚笨的儿子是母亲之累。

5.It's careless of me to make such a foopsh mistake.犯这种愚蠢的错误我真是太马虎了

6.Choosing to give it up for something you think is "better" is a foopsh thing to do.为了那些你认为是更好的东西,而选择放弃自己的性格是一件很愚蠢的事。

7.It would only be foopsh to ask a man pke him for help.求助于像他那样的人简直是愚蠢。

8.He's happy to play and he wants to play, so it would be foopsh of me to not use him.他踢得很开心也很希望去比赛,如果我不用他那就太蠢了。

9.Foopsh of me? It's a pttle foopsh of this guy, don't you think? Right? Right?我很傻?这个人才傻呢,你不觉得吗?对吗?对吗?

10." the ants said: " If you were foopsh enough to sing all the summer, you must dance supperless to bed in the winter.蚂蚁嘲笑说:“你夏季如要唱歌,那么冬季就去跳舞吧。”