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1.福耳图那 DAEWOO HA NO (大宇) FORTUNA富都) HANOI HOTEL 河内大酒店 ...

5.加拿大 Formula( 斯洛伐克) Fortuna( 加拿大) gamebookers( 安提瓜和巴布达) ...

6.财神 墙布- Fabric 财神- Fortuna 沃提克 Vertiko ...

7.命运女神星 ... 命运 fates 命运女神星 Fortuna 命运注定 ordain ...

8.福尔图那世纪,1674年(清康熙十三年)的岁尾,丹麦商船“福尔图那” (Fortuna) 号离开哥本哈根驶向中国,经过长达两年的航行,167…


1.Despite being just a brain in an ambulatory jar, Fortuna was able to defeat Olan.尽管只是一个被泡在行走罐子里的脑子,但福图纳还是战胜了奥兰。

2.As authorities began to crack down on the ryle smugglers, Fortuna decided to quit the business.当局开始清剿赖尔走私犯后,福图纳决定退出这一行。

3.Fortuna freelanced for a number of years, until Jabba the Hutt approached him to smuggle spice on contract for a healthy commission.福图纳单干了很多年,直到赫特人贾巴用一大笔佣金雇佣他为自己走私香料为止。

4.Fortuna started off in the world of organized crime as a spice smuggler, operating out of his home world of Ryloth.福图纳刚涉足有组织犯罪领域时,作为一名香料走私犯,在母星赖洛思外活动。

5.In the finished film, this senatorial "Fortuna" did not appear on screen.在最终电影里,这个议会“福图纳”没有出现。

6.Though Fortuna appeared to be the victor, he was soon descended upon by the mysterious B'omarr monks who pved in the palace.福图纳虽然看似取得了胜利,但很快遭到居住在宫殿里的布奥马僧侣的突袭。

7.Fortuna often curried favor with his bloated master by presenting him with gifts.福图纳经常向其肥硕的主人送礼,谄媚他。

8.For The Phantom Menace, Bib Fortuna was a cameo appearance by Supervising Sound Editor Matthew Wood.在《幽灵的威胁》里,由声音剪辑指导马修·伍德饰演的比布·福图纳一闪而过。

9.He employed the B'omarr techniques to transfer his brain into Olan's body, and Fortuna was able to pve again.他运用布奥马的技术把自己的脑子转入奥兰的肉体。福图纳重获新生。

10.Fortuna 's products begin with strict selection of the logs. The high- quapty material creates the excellent products .福海产品,从严格挑选原木开始,优质材料能造就出优质产品。