


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɑ:z]

abbr.(=American Rocket Society)美国火箭学会

网络释义:阿根廷比索;农业研究局(Agricultural Research Service);阿根廷披索


abbr.1.(=American Rocket Society)美国火箭学会2.(=Agricultural Research Service)农业研究服务处

abbr.1.(=American Rocket Society)2.(=Agricultural Research Service)

1.阿根廷比索 墨西哥披索( MEP) 阿根廷披索( ARS) 智利披索( CLP) ...

4.拍卖利率证券(auction rate securities)拍卖利率证券拍卖利率证券ARS)又称拍卖利率债券或标售利率证券,是一种由地方政府部门、学生贷款机构或封闭式基金 …

5.美国农业部农业研究局美国农业部农业研究局ARS)开发出一个马铃薯新品系能够抵抗哥伦比亚根癌线虫(CRN),CRN可以引起美国马铃薯产业 …

6.亚尔斯地区:法国,亚尔斯 (Ars) 堂区 职务:堂区主任司铎 类别:牧者 纪念日:八月四日 主保:神职人员的主保 事蹟: 祈祷: 全能 …


1.Part of the reason for ARS to carry out risk assessment research is to provide data on the transgenic products of its own research projects.农业研究所开展风险评估研究的部分原因是对它自己的研究项目的转基因产品提供数据。

2.There's "no doubt that TV will come through the Internet in a few years, " he told Ars earper this week.早在这个礼拜之前,Pouwelse告诉Ars,“毫无疑问几年之后,传统的TV播放将在整个因特网上流行开来”。

3.The official of his follower he ars he belongs tor at, collect a few gold, c a sting gives him gift of hold a birthday party into a mice.他属下的官员听说他属鼠,便凑了一些黄金,铸成一只老鼠送给他做寿礼。

4.ARS is developing several tools to decrease or epminate some of the risks that might be associated with transgenics.农业研究所正在研究几种措施以减少或消除其中一些与转基因相关的风险。

5.in a room where the fish tank, the city in recent ye ars has become one of his sp are time collecting the good choice.在居室里养一缸鱼,近几年成了都市人工作之余怡情养性的好选择。

6.Barone now hopes that ARS can design a test that plant breeders can use to determine the strength or weakness of a plant's cellulose.伯龙希望,ARS能够设计出一种可供植物培育人员测定植物纤维素强度高低的试验方式。

7.Prix Ars Electronica has been held for more than 20 years and is one of the most renowned cyber arts competitions.已连续举办了20多年,是目前世界上最负盛名的科技艺术类竞赛。

8.We cooperated with USDA-ARS in study of resistance mechanism to Aspergillus flavus infection and genome research in peanut.与美国农业部(USDA-ARS)合作开展花生黄曲霉分子机制和基因组研究。

9.They would also compensate investors who sold ARS at a loss and consent to a pubpc arbitration process to resolve claims.他们还将赔偿亏损出售拍卖利率证券的投资者,并同意进行公众仲裁程序,以解决索赔问题。

10.Meanwhile, the chiral recognition mechanisms of the isomers ars introduced briefly. Finally, some future trends are briefly addressed.同时简要介绍了作为手性固定相对不同异构体的识别机理,并对该领域未来的发展方向进行了展望。