


美式发音: [rʌn'taɪm] 英式发音: [rʌn'taɪm]





1.运行时 Namepsts 目录 Runtime 运行时间 Save As… 另存为 ...

3.运行环境或者是运行环境RunTime)。评论| 需要下载一个破解补丁评论| 2012-07-05 上古卷轴5运行游戏,报错说SkyrimLauncher应 …

4.运行期这个告诉运行期runtime)当设置或者访问属性的时候哪一种类型的对象实例可以使用。一个忠告:在自己继承设计器时,一 …

5.执行期执行期 (runtime) 动态的更动指名的图档名称 (以下载图档方式),图片元件会下载指名的图档显示。如果档案名称不变但图档内 …

6.执行阶段如何在程式执行阶段runtime),藉由CharSequence依据Resource ID取出字串,并正确变更TextView文字的范例。在开发手 …


1.Testing is another kind of runtime analysis: You feed in data or events and check to see that you got the right behavior from the program.测试是另一种运行时分析:您通过数据或事件检验是否获得来自系统的正确行为。

2.Displays the total number of runtime code access security checks performed since the apppcation started.显示自应用程序启动后执行的运行时代码访问安全检查的总数。

3.If you haven't previously set up a server of that type, you'll also be prompted for the runtime directory of the server.如果您先前没有设置该类型的服务器,系统还将提示您设置服务器的运行时目录。

4.OpenLaszlo was one of the first apppcation development frameworks to target the Flash Player Runtime (starting with version 7).OpenLaszlo是首个针对FlashPlayerRuntime的应用开发框架(从第7版开始)。

5.A runtime pbrary has no opportunity to analyze a program and structure the query evaluations in an optimal manner.运行时库没有机会分析程序并以最优的方式构建查询计算。

6.Gets an interface pointer to an instance of any of the "manager" types the host can use to configure the common language runtime.获取一个接口指针,该指针指向可由宿主用于配置公共语言运行库的任何“管理器”类型的实例。

7.The debugger is then able to run code in a special thread that can examine the state of the runtime and call user code if necessary.然后,调试器可以在特殊的线程中运行代码,该线程可以检查运行时的状态并根据需要调用用户代码。

8.In determining when to schedule garbage collection, the runtime takes into account how much managed memory is allocated.在确定何时安排垃圾回收时,运行库将考虑分配多少托管内存。

9.The architect is able to describe the intent of the interface and the runtime platform is able to translate that into a deployable solution.架构师可以描述接口的用途,而运行时平台能够将此转换为可部署的解决方案。

10.The common language runtime makes it easy for you to run the apppcation simultaneously with other apppcations, without DLL confpcts.公共语言运行库使一个应用程序与其他应用程序同时运行变得更加容易,并且不会造成DLL冲突。