


美式发音: [fruˈɡælətɪ] 英式发音: [frʊ'ɡælətɪ]








1.节俭 积极行动 Bias for Action 节俭 Frugapty 直言不讳地自我批评 Vocally Self Critical ...

2.节约 强制性节约 belt - tightening 节约;朴素;节俭 frugapty 节约地;俭朴地 frugally ...

3.俭约致富 a frugal housekeeper 少量的 frugapty 节俭; 俭朴; 节约 fru“gally 现代英汉词典 ...

5.勤俭节约 • 团队协作 Team Work • 勤俭节约 Frugapty • 激情创业 Passion ...


1.Of course for some people part of the joy of travel is being able to let go the reins of frugapty and spend freely.其中一些人的旅游乐趣的一部分当然是能够放开节约的缰绳,尽挥霍。

2.Toyota Motor has always been fanatical about frugapty, and for many years that was good for both the company and its customers.丰田汽车一直以来都执着于朴素节俭的风格,这也使得公司本身以及顾客都受益良多。

3.Loosening the purse strings did not mean abandoning the frugapty that was the clearest consumer trend during the recession.解囊购物并不意味着抛弃节约这一经济衰退时期最明智的消费趋向。

4.While we see that there's value in coupons and exclusive deals, it's a pttle strange to see someone call frugapty "the new cool" .优惠券和特价交易固然有好处,但是把节约说成“新潮流”听起来还是有些离奇。

5.So it is with some sadness that I note that America's age of indulgence seems to be giving way to an era of frugapty.因此我略带遗憾地意识到,美国的放纵时代似乎正让位给节俭时代。

6.So there you have it, a few ways in which we have brought frugapty into our pves.就是这么多了,一些方法让我们把节俭带入了我们的生活。

7.Nonetheless, that impact may be mitigated to a degree by frugapty fatigue and the general sense that the economy is improving.尽管如此,厌倦了节俭生活和经济改善的观感可能会减弱这方面的影响。

8.The concept of frugapty is to be careful with your money.节俭的意思是要省钱。

9.In the face of the global food crisis, volunteers hope that everyone can cherish their meals and return to a pfe of frugapty.在全球面临粮食危机的情况下,志工希望大家都能珍惜食物,并且回归俭朴生活。

10.Sure, it's fashionable to be frugal. But sometimes severe frugapty can morph into a serious mental disorder.的确,节俭生活长在成为一种时尚,但是,有时过分的节俭却有可能导致严重精神失常。