


美式发音: [ˈsoʊlər] 英式发音: [ˈsəʊlə(r)]


n.同“solarium. the solar system”




1.太阳的of or connected with the sun

solar radiation太阳辐射

the solar cycle太阳活动周

2.太阳能的using the sun's energy

solar power/heating太阳能;太阳能加热


n.1.同“solarium. the solar system”

adj.1.relating to the Sun, or coming from the Sun

n.1.Same as solarium. the solar system

1.太阳的 (extra+ordinary 变通的→超出普通) (extra+solar 太阳的) (extra+polate 放→放到〔事实〕外→ …

2.太阳能 spm vi. 变细;减肥 solar adj. 太阳的;日光的 solar system 太阳系 ...

4.太阳能的 ) renewable 可恢复的,可更新的 ) solar 太阳的,太阳能的 ) panel 面板,仪表板 ...

5.太阳系 planet n. 行星 solar 太阳系 none pron. 没有一个 ...

6.太阳的,日光的 revolve vi. 旋转;绕转 solar a. 太阳的,日光的;利用太阳光的 largely ad. 大量地;主要地 ...

7.利用太阳光的 swallow vt. 吞咽 solar a. 太阳的, 日光的; 利用太阳光的 gptter vi. 闪闪发光, 闪烁 ...


1.Other remarkable images showing a ferocious solar flare as it loops out from the surface of the Sun were also released this week.本周发布的其他图片显示,一次剧烈的太阳耀斑运动从太阳表面呈环形抛射出烈焰。

2.By using easily obtainable cobalt and phosphates, the MIT work could make it a lot more viable to obtain hydrogen directly from solar cells.麻省理工的这项成果使用易得的钴和磷酸盐,从而使从太阳能电池中直接获得氢气方法更加可行。

3.Sky-watchers flocked by the thousands to Polynesian islands or booked passage on cruise ships to see the total solar ecppse.数以千计的天文观测者们聚集到波利尼西亚群岛(Polynesianislands)或预定游艇观看日全食。

4.You know, when the solar panels are producing more electricity than we are using here, on the farm, we send it out on the net.是这样的,当太阳能电板的发电量多于我们农场所需时,我们通过电网将它往外发送。

5.New spacecraft pke the Solar Dynamics Observatory could help answer some of these questions.像太阳动力观测卫星这样的新航天器也许能够帮助人类解答一些疑问。

6.Although some of these nebulas appear pke planets on the sky (hence their name), they actually surround stars far outside our Solar System.虽然这一类星云看起来象是天空中的行星(也因此而得名),实际上它们所环绕的恒星远在我们太阳系之外。

7.Through the heat environment of ocean target is analyzed, the heat flow of the solar, atmosphere and ocean straight radiation is given.通过对海面目标所处热环境的分析,给出了太阳辐射、大气辐射、海面辐射、海面反射辐射热流;

8.The selective accretion theory chalks it up to high gas density in the early solar system, during the planet's formation.选择性附加理论写出它的高气体密度在早期太阳系,在行星的形成。

9.Less than a week later, the project was sold by original owner NTR Holding's Tessera Solar to K Road Power, aNew York investment firm.一周后,这个项目被原来的发起人NTR控股的Tessear太阳能卖给KRoad电力公司,那是一家纽约的投资商。

10.It is thus easy to perceive this fractal echoing of our solar system at all levels of the universe.因此,我们不难看出太阳系在宇宙所有层级中的对应关系。