




1.尼波安曼附近的马赛克城市 马达巴(madaba)近郊的尼掰山(nebo),是我们此行的第一站,超过两千年以上的古老,原本建立许多的基 …

6.尼坡 丁香( Calamus) 乃波Nebo) 乃苛( Necho, Nechao) ...

8.尼博欢迎访问尼博(Nebo)黄页汉考克 R001 237 走近美国 » 通过邮编浏览尼博(Nebo)黄页 1.Calmer Cathleen T 2.Bpcker Carl V 3.Bp…


1.The Pope began the day with a visit to Mount Nebo , the site where the Bible says Moses saw the Promised Land before he died .在这天刚开始,教皇就参观了尼波山。据圣经记载,摩西临死前就是于此山看到应许之地的。

2.Then Moses cpmbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho.摩西从摩押平原登尼波山,上了那与耶利哥相对的毗斯迦山顶。

3.as well as Nebo and Baal Meon (these names were changed) and Sibmah. They gave names to the cities they rebuilt.尼波,巴力免,西比玛(尼波,巴力免,名字是改了的),又给他们所建造的城另起别名。

4.One of the most important ralpes, then and later when I became a candidate, was the Mount Nebo Chicken Fry.在当时以及在我后来成为候选人时,一个最重要集会点是芒特内博炸鸡店。

5.NEBO, Father of the Sacred Writing, Remember!奈布,神圣文书之父,记住!

6.NEBO, Custodian of the Gods, Remember!奈布,诸神监守者,记住!

7.West side of Mount Nebo , the tallest peak in the Wasatch range.西侧尼波山,最高峰的瓦萨奇范围在。