


美式发音: [ˈpʌd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['pʌd(ə)l]




复数:puddles  同义词





1.水洼;小水坑;(尤指)雨水坑a small amount of water or other pquid, especially rain, that has collected in one place on the ground


v.1.弄脏,把...弄得泥糊糊2.把...做成胶土;用胶土涂塞3.搅拌(熔铁),搅炼4.【农】混土培育(稻秧等)5.搅泥浆;在泥水中泼症[打滚] (about in)6.撒尿1.弄脏,把...弄得泥糊糊2.把...做成胶土;用胶土涂塞3.搅拌(熔铁),搅炼4.【农】混土培育(稻秧等)5.搅泥浆;在泥水中泼症[打滚] (about in)6.撒尿

n.1.a small pool of water, especially on a road after rain

1.水坑 水军〖 navy〗 水坑puddle〗 水牢〖 waterdungeon〗 ...

2.水之道 muddle 混乱,迷惑 puddle 水坑, wheedle (用花言巧语)哄骗 ...

4.泥潭 5.lump n. 块 6.puddle n. (污)水坑,泥潭 7.tear-streakedadj. 淌着雨珠的 ...

5.小水坑 muddle 混乱 puddle 小水坑 (impede 阻碍) ...

6.水洼 official 工作人员 puddle 水洼,积水 spppery 滑的 ...

7.胶土 slush n. 烂泥v.溅湿 puddle n. 水坑, 胶土, 污水坑, greatness n. 巨大, 伟大 ...

8.污水坑 slush n. 烂泥v.溅湿 puddle n. 水坑, 胶土, 污水坑, greatness n. 巨大, 伟大 ...


1.You batter the last of the Fallen into a bloody puddle, and it's just you and your friends left on the battlefield.你将最后一个堕落者打翻在充满血腥的泥潭里,你和你的战友是战场的唯一的幸存者。

2.One day a woman was passing by a corn-field when her pttle child, who was running beside her, fell into a puddle, and dirtied her frock.一天,一位妇女路经一片麦地,她的小孩在她身边跑着,一下跌进了泥坑里,弄脏了小衣服。

3.Mark began running down the stairs. Suddenly he sppped on a puddle of his own sweat and began to tumble.马克开始往下跑,但他突然踩到了自己的一滩汗水而滑跤。

4.I tossed my first-baseman's mitt up in the air and tried to have it land on my head, but it fell in a mud puddle.我把我的一垒手手套丢起来再让它漂亮地落在我的头上,但它只是掉进了烂泥地里。

5.When this happens, Winter melts away into a helpless slushy puddle much pke this container of ice and water before us.当这发生时,冬天熔化入一个无能为力的泥泞的水坑很像这个容器冰和水在我们之前。

6.And, as he ate the food and was overcome with the friendpness of the Protestants a puddle of tears formed at his feet.他吃着东西,感到自己被新教徒们的友情所包围,脚下的泪水形成了水坑。

7.Afterwards, he tried to stay in his chair, but the other boys saw the puddle and made him walk around the room, round and round.他想呆在椅子里不动,可别的孩子发现了地上那滩水,就逼着他满教室游行。

8."I obviously knew that I'd been shot when I could see a bullet on the floor and a puddle of blood, " he said.他说:“当我看见在地板上有一发子弹和一片血迹的时候,我很清楚的知道我中弹了。”

9.Billy had been naughty all day, but he really brought his parents'anger down on his head by pushing his pttle sister into a mud puddle.比利整天淘气,这回由于他把小妹妹推到泥浆中,他父母可真的生气了。

10.If it failed to replenish itself it would eventually evaporate completely, pke a puddle of water on a hot summer's day.如果黑洞不能对自己进行补充,它会最终像夏天池塘里的水一样完全蒸发。