


美式发音: [tʃip] 英式发音: [tʃiːp]




第三人称单数:cheeps  现在分词:cheeping  过去式:cheeped  同义词




1.唧唧叫;吱吱叫to make short high sounds



v.1.if a bird cheeps, it makes short high sounds

1.吱吱的叫声 cackle 咯咯声 cheep 吱吱的叫声 chirp 喳喳声 ...

2.吱声 吱声【 make a sound (as when speaking,coughing etc.)】 吱声cheep】 吱吱嘎嘎【 winingly】 ...

3.吱吱地叫 price: 代价 cheep: 吱吱地叫 shepherd: 监护人,指导者 ...

4.小鸡 母鸡 cackle,cluck 小鸡 cheep 火鸡 gobble ...

5.吱吱喳 ... 滑翔者波图( Bronto Burt) 吱吱喳( Cheep) 能力怪( Droppy) ...

6.便宜 贵 expensive 便宜 cheep 酸 sour ...

7.吱吱叫声 对(某人)厚颜无耻地说. -cheeked (雏鸟的)吱吱叫声. cheep 带领观众欢呼的人; (尤指体育比赛中的)啦啦队长. cheerfu…

8.小鸡叫 ... 母鸡叫: cluck 小鸡叫cheep 鸭子叫: quack ...


1.Such a glamorous dress seemed out of place in that cheep restaurant.穿这样华丽的礼服去那间低档饭店,未免有些不合时宜。

2.China has massive land , abundant natural resources, huge cheep labor, low taxation and a growing consumer market .中国幅员辽阔,自然资源丰富,廉价劳动力充裕,税收低,消费者市场不断增长。

3.In the female insect insect, the calls can be turned into: "chirp chirp cheep cheep, " , when mating to emit quivering with "zhi. . . . "雄虫遇雌虫时,其鸣叫声可变为:“唧唧吱、唧唧吱”,交配时则发出带颤的“吱。….。”

4.As the popularization of Internet, the efficient and cheep email has become the substitute to the conventional papery mail.随着互联网的普及,传统的纸质信件已经逐渐被高效、低成本的电子邮件所取代。

5.They have the USA by the wallet, we can barely pay the interest on the money we borrow and for what cheep TVs! !美国的钱包在他们手里,借了那麽多钱我们连利息都还不起买的都什麽便宜电视机啊!!

6.This fish which is cheep but heavily contaminated has been forbidden to be sold. Many people eating this fish died as a result of poison.这种鱼虽然便宜但严重污染因而已被禁止出售。许多人因吃过这种鱼中毒而死。

7.Because all the things here are cheep and depcious.因为这里的东西既便宜又好吃。

8."Cheep! cheep! cheep! " came from the wet grass.“吱!吱!吱!”,从湿草丛中传来。

9.World 1-1: A grassland level with many colored blocks. This level introduces Cheep-Cheeps, Goombas and the new Tanooki Goombas.关卡1-1:绿色草原坐落着许多彩色的方块,这一关主要是介绍飞鱼,栗子头和新的敌人——带狸猫尾巴的栗子头。

10.Cheep sock wear out quickly .便宜的袜子很快就穿破。