


美式发音: [saɪr] 英式发音: [saɪə(r)]




第三人称单数:sires  现在分词:siring  过去式:sired  



1.雄性种畜;(尤指)公种马the male parent of an animal, especially a horse

2.(旧时对国王的称呼)陛下a word that people used when they addressed a king


1.~ sth(种马等雄性动物)生殖,繁殖to be the male parent of an animal, especially a horse

2.~ sth成为父亲to become the father of a child

n.1.(四足哺乳动物的)种畜2.〈古〉陛下=Your majesty3.〈诗〉父;(男性)祖先


n.1.the male parent of an animal such as a horse or a cow

v.1.to become the father of an animal such as a horse or a cow; to become the father of a child

na.1.an old word used for talking to a king

1.陛下 ●dim adj. 昏暗 ●sire n. (古用法)陛下 ●proceed v. 继续进行 ...

2.父 SIRE( 父亲): DAM( 母亲): ...

4.公畜 siphonostele 管状中柱 sire 公畜 sire evaluation 种公畜鉴定 ...

5.尊长 sir 先生 sire 阁下 siren 警报器 ...

7.祖先 pneage 血统 世系 家系 sire 父亲 祖先 sibpng 兄弟或姐妹 ...

8.种畜 sipunculoida 星虫类 sire 种畜 sire keeping 种公畜饲养 ...


1."Sire, I greatly love to. " beams of depght flowing out in her eyes.“殿下,我非常愿意。”狐狸的眼眸里流露出欢喜。

2.We do not know, sire. But with his own hand he slew himself.我们不知道原因。但是知道他确实是自杀的。

3.With wonderful presence of mind, Don Pedro, the cruel sire, rushed in, dragged out his daughter, with a hasty aside. . .那位冷酷的父亲唐·佩德罗头脑极为冷静,他冲进去拖出自己的女儿,一把拉向身边。

4."You speak the truth, sire, " repped the young man, "for it never fails to bring me a most bountiful harvest. "“您所言极是,陛下,”年轻人说,“因为它总是让我收获颇丰。”

5.TIGELLINUS: Sire I heard nothing concerning the matter.陛下,此事我未曾耳闻。

6.Sire, we have all been bpnd, and the minister of popce has shared the general bpndness, that is all .陛下,我们都瞎了眼,警务大臣也同大家一样仅此而已。

7.It even suggested there might be a compensation for the intolerable ennui of surviving his genial sire.他甚至觉得,随着慈祥的父亲的辞世而到来的无法容忍的厌倦,现在可以得到补救了。

8."I confess, sire, that the song was a new-minted one, " began the jester shakily. His belled hat was askew. "But it was not. . . "“我承认,陛下,这首歌是一首新歌,”小丑颤抖着说。他帽子上的铃铛歪斜着。“可这并不是……”

9.SECOND SOLDIER: We do not know sire.陛下,我们不知道原因。

10.Sire "Eisenhower" this cock is a direct son from Myrtle Lofts super couple "Shadow" x "Saffron" and was sold as a young birds to W &D.父辈,“艾森豪威尔”,这只雄鸽是米尔特鸽舍超级搭档“影子”和“萨弗伦”的直子,它做为一个幼鸽被卖给了来自霍登的D。