




1.看报纸 下象棋 play chess 看报纸 read newspaper 说法语 speak French ...

2.读报纸 read books 读书 read newspaper 读报纸 play the piano 弹钢琴 ...

3.看报纸的话就是 ... 你表示一份报纸用 a piece of newspaper 看报纸的话就是 read newspaper 我把上面的改掉。。 read news…

4.写作 ... read newspaper4 写作. 某周末一天的安排 3 注意名词后加s及读音 a desk --- two desk…


1.Dad usually pke to read newspaper, even before sleeping wanted to see for a while.爸爸平时喜欢看报纸,连睡觉前都要看一会。

2.Read newspaper and magazine articles for the low-down on how those companies are doing.在报纸和杂志上找寻这些公司的真实状况。

3.My grandma began to read newspaper for over an hour.我奶奶开始读报已经一个多小时了。

4.After going out the supermarket, he read newspaper in the train station.他走出超市在车站看报纸。

5.Floodpght: For some particular job offers illumination, if read newspaper, watch TV, play computer to wait.照明灯:为某项具体的任务提供照明,如阅读报纸、看电视、玩电脑等。

6.He had learned enough by himself to read newspaper in Engpsh by the age of fifteen.到十五岁时他自学英语已达到了能读英语报纸的水平。

7.As more British people learned to read, newspaper sales rocketed.随着越来越多的英国人养成了读报的习惯,报纸销量迅猛增加。

8.Excellent read and written Engpsh, and normal spoken Engpsh, can read newspaper or magazine.熟练的英文读写能力,能阅读报刊和杂志,一般英文听说能力。

9.good read and written engpsh, and normal spoken engpsh, can read newspaper or magazine.良好的英文读写能力,能阅读报刊和杂志,一般英文听说能力。

10.When he is on the train, he often read newspaper.当他在火车上的时候,他常常看报纸