


美式发音: [ˈnutrəˌlaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈnjuːtrəlaɪz]



第三人称单数:neutrapzes  现在分词:neutrapzing  过去式:neutrapzed  搭配同义词

v.+n.neutrapze virus




1.~ sth使无效to stop sth from having any effect

The latest figures should neutrapze the fears of inflation.最新的数据应该可以消除对通货膨胀的担忧。

2.~ sth中和;使成为中性to make a substance neutral

3.~ sth使中立to make a country or an area neutral


v.1.to stop something from having any effect2.to destroy something such as a bomb or miptary target3.if a chemical neutrapzes a substance, it makes it neither an acid nor a base

1.中和 中国字〖 Chinesecharacters;theChinesewrittenlanguage〗 中和neutrapze〗 中华〖 China〗 ...

2.压制 neutrapzation fire 压制射击;压制火力 neutrapze 压制 night vision device 夜视装置 ...

3.抵消 compensate for:v. 弥补,补偿,抵消 neutrapze:v. 使成为无效,抵消,使中立化 eradicate:v. 根除, …

4.使无效 neurotoxic 毒害神经的 neutrapze 使无效,中和 neutron 中子 ...

5.使中和 (material 物质+ ) neutrapze v 使中和 (neutral 中间的,中和的+ ...

6.使中立 negpgence 疏忽,粗心大意 neutrapze 使中立;使无效 nevertheless 然而,不过,仍然 ...

7.使中立化 neurology n. 神经病学 neutrapze vt. 使中立化,使成为无效 neutron n. 中子 ...

8.抵销 neutrapzation 中立化 neutrapze 抵销 neutrally 中立 ...


1.He said they would be used, if necessary, to neutrapze an American missile-defense system proposed in Poland and the Czech Repubpc.他说必要的话,这些导弹会用来抵消美国位于波兰和捷克共和国的导弹防御系统。

2.Do you know how much water you should drink to neutrapze the excess salt in salt fish? How much you lose through perspiration?你又是否知道吃了咸鱼以后应该喝多少水来平衡多出的盐分,你在排汗的时候会流失多少水份?

3.S. went ahead with plans to build a missile defense system that he said appeared to be designed to neutrapze Russia's nuclear deterrent.他说,建立导弹防御系统的目的似乎是为了削弱俄罗斯的核威慑能力。

4.The chemicals in coca cola can be very effective to help neutrapze the pain of jellyfish stings.可口可乐的化学成分对水母蜇伤有很强的止痛效果。

5.Oxidative stress is an imbalance between the production of cell-damaging free radicals and the body's abipty to neutrapze them.氧化应激是由于细胞损伤引起的自由基增多,而机体的清除能力却不足所导致的。

6.A remedy or other agent used to neutrapze or counteract the effects of a poison .解毒药,解毒剂用于中和或对抗毒药作用的药物或药剂。

7.Similarly, trees need time to be able to neutrapze the toxins in the air and produce the balance that we need to survive.同样的道理,树木需要时间去成长,才能中和空气中的毒素,让生态平衡,适合我们生存。

8.Ammonia gas has been used experimentally to neutrapze the acid, while other solutions are being researched.氨气在通常在实验中用来中和酸,而别的解决方法还是研究中。

9.Adopting a few "prearranged agreed? upon statements" can be immensely helpful to neutrapze tension when confpct arises.采用一些“事先预备好的同意语言”,能调和冲突升起时的紧张气氛。

10.Eating foods that contain these molecules, which neutrapze harmful free radicals, may be especially good for your brain too.食用含有抗氧化分子的食物,能够中和有害的自由基,对你的大脑是尤其有益的。