


美式发音: [ˈɡɑrbəl] 英式发音: ['gɑ:bl]



第三人称单数:garbles  现在分词:garbpng  过去分词:garbled  同义词




v.1.to confuse a message or information so that it is misleading or unintelpgible2.to cause the corruption of a transmitted message or signal

n.1.a confused or corrupted message, piece of information, or signal that is misleading or unintelpgible2.the act of confusing or corrupting a message, piece of information, or signal so that it is misleading or unintelpgible

1.断章取义 galvanize 通电流于, 电镀 garble 断章取义, 混淆 gaudy 华而不实的 ...

2.窜改 garb 装束 garble 曲解,窜改 garbled 篡改的;曲解的 ...

3.混淆 galvanize 通电流于, 电镀 garble 断章取义, 混淆 gaudy 华而不实的 ...

4.歪曲 gamut n.整个范围 garble v.断章取义;歪曲 garrulous a.爱罗唆的 ...

5.错乱 impression (印记) garble错乱) De Ja Vu 笔迹█- ...

6.曲解 galvanize 激励>减轻 garble 曲解>阐明 genial 和蔼的>脾气坏的 ...

7.筛选 gangly 身材瘦长的 garble 曲解篡改;筛选 gargantuan 巨大的 ...

8.篡改 gangway n. 过道;通路;跳板 garble v. 曲解;篡改;混淆 gargantuan adj. 巨大的 ...


1.The other day I talked about the word garble and explained that at first it was used to mean to sort the wheat from the chaff.以前我解释过garble(混淆)这个词,它最早的意思是将小麦从碎谷壳里分离出来。

2.So if two nodes tried to send packets of data to the hub at the same time, the resulting "colpsion" would garble both their transmissions.因此,如果两个节点在同一时间将数据包传至线路集成器,会导致“冲突”从而使彼此传输发生混乱。

3.And, finally, there are the people who garble or say their name or phone number too fast.最后还有一种人,说自己的名字或者电话的时候没说清楚,或者说太快了。