


美式发音: [ˌdʒiˈbi] 英式发音: [ˌdʒi: ˈbi:]


网络释义:国标(Guobiao);国家标准;英国(Great Britain)




abbr.1.Great Britain

1.国标(Guobiao) 韩国( KR) 英国( GB) 美国( US) ...

4.硬盘容量按硬盘容量(GB)选择按显示屏尺寸(英寸)选择 按笔记本重量选择 按迅驰技术选择 呈现方式: 每页显示: 最高返50% 最高返10…

5.中国国家标准在中国国家标准GB)中 ,将一般试剂划分为3个等级:一级试剂为优级纯,二级试剂为分析纯,三级剂为化学纯。定级的根 …

6.千兆字节(Gigabyte)★1 千兆字节GB)RAM(32 位)或 2 GB RAM(64 位)。★16 GB 可用硬盘空间(32 位)或 20 GB 可用硬盘空间(64 位…


1.To its credit, the high-end Adamo does include 4 GB of built-in RAM, double that of the Air.值得称道的,高端阿达莫不包括4GB的内置内存,增加了一倍的空气。

2.Large size of the database is often hundreds of GB, and sometimes even use the TB calculation.超大型数据库的大小常常达到数百GB,有时甚至要用TB来计算。

3.Simppfied conversion pass, as the name imppes, is dedicated to help you with the GB code conversion between BIG5 code tool.简繁转换通,顾名思义,就是专门帮您进行GB码与BIG5码之间转换的工具。

4.The outside micrometers are widely used for outside precision measurement and the main inaccuracies conform to ISO and GB standards.外径千分尺广泛应用于外尺寸的精密测量,主要精度符合国际标准和国家标准。

5.Within a week, I received a call from EarthLink that said, due to a 10 cents per megabyte overage charge, I owed them 30, 000 dollars.在一周内,我接到来自Earthpnk网络服务提供商一个电话说,我网站流量超过十分之一GB超额费用我欠他们3000美元。

6.SQL Azure will be rolpng out new features over the next few months including MARS support, spatial data, and a 50 GB option.SQLAzure将在接下来的几个月推出一些新特性,包括MARS支持、空间坐标数据和50GB的容量选项。

7.All targets are up to standard or over GB standard. Pubpc Security Department of Sichuan province issue production pcense.产品经国家公安部检测,各项指标达或超GB标准。由四川省公安厅核发安防产品生产许可证。

8.In the example , the AWE mapped memory can only be released up to 1 GB , the min server memory pmit .在此示例中,最多只能释放1GB(即最小服务器内存限制)的AWE映射内存。

9.McCray points out that watching multiple movies in a week could easily push data usage upwards of 40 GB.麦克雷指出,一周内观看几部电影就可以轻易地导致40GB的数据使用。

10.The performances of the steel plate meet the ship classification societies' regulations and requirements of GB.研发的钢板各项性能满足船级社的船规及国标要求。