


美式发音: [ɡɪld] 英式发音: [ɡɪld]




过去式:gilded  过去式:gilt gilded  过去式:gilt  第三人称单数:gilds  现在分词:gilding  



1.~ sth使如金子般生光(或生辉、生色)to make sth look bright, as if covered with gold

The golden pght gilded the sea.金色的阳光使大海如金子般闪闪发光。

2.~ sth给…镀金;涂金于to cover sth with a thin layer of gold or gold paint




v.1.to cover a surface with a very thin layer of gold2.if pght gilds something, it makes it look golden

n.1.Same as guild

na.1.The variant of guild

1.镀金 gigantic a. 巨大的,庞大的 gild vt. 镀金,使有光彩 glare vi.&n. 闪耀,照射;瞪眼, 怒目注视 ...

2.虚饰 got 得到,明白 gild 镀金;虚饰; gird 束缚;佩带; ...

3.基尔特尔特(gild)形式的行会。基尔特gild)形式实质上是一种垄断,即行会之外的人若想在城镇中进行贸易活动,必须事先行 …

4.行会 贴己[ intimate;close] 贴金[ cover with gold leaf;gild] 贴近[ press close to;nestle up against] ...

6.给……镀金 8、gown n. 长袍 9、gild vt. 给……镀金 10、mingle vt. 混和,混入 ...

7.协会 ... giggle v.咯咯地笑; n.咯咯笑;趣事 gild v.镀金;虚饰; n.协会;行会 ginger n.姜;姜根;精力;深 …

8.把…镀金 gigantic a. 巨大的,庞大的 gild v. 把…镀金;装饰 gimp n. 瘸子,跛行 ...


1.Plastic is not easy to break , So, Suntop using high technology directly gild on plastic .塑胶的不易破损,因此百扬科技运用高科技使用了塑胶上直接镀金的技术作为平面镜。

2.Gild To cover with or as if with a thin layer of gold .镀金;贴上金箔:用或好象用一层很薄的黄金覆盖。

3.Game on , job seekers! The professional social network GILD wants users to find jobs and have fun and win prizes while they're at it .专业社交网络GILD想让用户们在求职时不仅能找到工作,而且能收获乐趣,赢取奖品。

4.From the user perspective, GILD is pretty transparent about all of that.从用户角度来看,GILD的一切服务都很透明。

5.Jessica I will gild myself with some more ducats and be with you straight.我去再找一些钱然后立即跟你走。

6.FOR the beautiful girl to use makeup would be to gild the ply.漂亮的姑娘加上化装,是锦上添花。

7.Female groups and snacks relations, has been writers repeatedly intoned times, there is no gild the ply.女性群体和零食的关系,已被作家们反复吟咏多次了,这里就不画蛇添足了。

8.Distrusting every pght that seemed to gild; The onward path, and feared to over lean.我信不过那似乎浮泛在眼前的;一片金光,不敢伸出手指去碰一下。

9网址被屏蔽ment on this would be to gild the ply.这一评论就是多此一举。

10.The creators of GILD hope their free job tool and professional social network will change the way job seekers view the hunt .GILD的创立者们希望,借助该公司的免费求职工具和专业社交网络,求职者们能改变对找工作这件事情的看法。