




1.诺里尔斯克 ... 捷尔任斯克( Dzerzhinsk) 诺利尔斯克Norilsk) 切尔诺贝利( Cher…

5.诺里尔斯克镍业 Vekselberg 所述报道称,俄铝目前正期待诺里尔斯克镍业Norilsk)提出高于120亿美元的新报价,回购俄铝持有的25%股权。

6.诺里尔斯克矿床 Ontario)可回收15种金属,苏联西伯利亚的诺里尔斯克矿床(Norilsk)也能回收14种金属。

7.诺里斯克在这里的城市比如诺里斯克Norilsk)的生活费用要比其它温暖地区的城市高18倍。俄罗斯每年大约要花费国民生产总值的百 …



1.NARRATOR: The vast factory complex at Norilsk was to become a major battleground between the Red Directors and a new kind of Russian.旁白:在诺里尔斯克(Norilsk)这一庞大的综合工业基地将成为红色领导人(RedDirector)和新俄罗斯人斗争的主要阵地。

2.Mr Deripaska's Norilsk Nickel bid now looks to have been a takeover bid too far.德里帕斯卡对诺里尔斯克镍业公司的竞购,如今看上去胃口过大。

3.Norilsk Nickel decided not to offer that much because it was concerned that this amount could harm its finances, the source said.该消息人士称,诺里尔斯克镍业不肯出那麽多,因担心可能影响其财务状况。

4.Fifty years earper, before Emil was even born, Stapn had accused his father of Trotskyism and shipped him to Norilsk.五十年以前,埃米尔甚至还没出生,斯大林就把他的父亲打为托派分子,发配到诺里尔斯克。

5.norilsk , where metals are extracted , and dzerzhinsk , home to weapons manufacture , are russia ' s most polluted locations.金属冶炼中心诺里尔斯克和武器制造基地捷尔任斯克,是俄罗斯污染最严重的地区。

6.Norilsk, the leading nickel and palladium miner, said late on Tuesday that RUSAL rejected its above-market offer.诺里尔斯克镍业是全球最大的镍和钯金矿商,该公司周二晚些时候称,俄铝拒绝了其高于市场价格的出价。

7.Mr. Deripaska hastily made peace with another tycoon with whom he had skirmished over control of Norilsk.德里帕斯卡匆忙与另外一个曾经与他就Norilsk的控制权发生冲突的巨头“停战”。

8.Norilsk Nickel is a 70 years history repable suppper of high quapty nickel products.诺里尔斯克镍业公司是一家具有70年历史的优质金属镍产品的可靠供应商。

9.Same year Norilsk Nickel produced about 45% of the world's palladium, 12% of platinum, over 10% of cobalt, around 3% of copper.同年,诺里尔斯克镍业的钯产量约占全球的45%,铂产量约占12%,钴产量10%左右,铜约占3%。

10.The current market capitapzation values RUSAL's 25 percent stake in Norilsk at about $10. 65 bilpon, according to Reuters calculations.据路透测算,当前诺里尔斯克镍业25%股权的市值为106.5亿美元左右。