




1.中国北方工业公司中国北方工业公司NORINCO)是产品经营与资产经营相结合,集研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的企业集团,主要北方工业 …

2.中国北方工业总公司中国北方工业总公司NORINCO)在1986年推出WZ551(PLA指定90式)轮式装甲车辆,以西南汽车厂Tiema CX2200 6X6重 …



1.Norinco is beginning to produce a new 105mm gun-launched missile for use against armored targets, including tanks using reactive armor.中国北方工业公司正在开始生产一种新型的105毫米口径的炮射导弹,用于对付装甲目标,其中包括使用复合装甲的战车。

2.The weapon was exported to a number of countries in South Asia and Africa through the state-run NORINCO.武器经过国营的中国北方工业总公司(NORINCO)外销到南亚和非洲许多的国家。

3.The state-owned manufacturer China North Industry Corporation, or Norinco, is one.中国的国有制造企业中国北方工业公司即是其中一例。

4.The rifle was also exported through the state-run NORINCO to Sri Lanka and some African countries.步枪也被经由国营的中国北方工业总公司(NORINCO)外销到斯里兰卡和一些非洲国家。

5.According to a Norinco brochure, the missile is guided to the target by a laser.据中国北方工业公司的宣传材料说,该导弹使用激光进行制导。

6.During the 2005 Beijing International Aviation Expo, NORINCO revealed a model of its latest PLZ05 155mm self-propelled gun-howitzer.在2005年北京国际航空博览会期间,中国北方工业总公司(NORINCO)展示了最新的PLZ05155毫米自行榴弹炮模型。

7.China North Industries Group (Norinco) develops and manufacturers most of China's tanks and other armored vehicles and equipment.中国北方工业集团研发并生产了大多数国产坦克以及其他装甲车辆及装备。

8.The SH-1 is a 155mm self-propelled howitzer developed by China North Industries Group Corporation (NORINCO) for the export market.中国SH-1是一种为外销市场由中国北方工业总公司(NORINCO)发展的155毫米自行榴弹炮。

9.The QLZ87 (also known as Type 87) is the 35mm automatic grenade launcher developed by NORINCO in the late 1980s.QLZ87式(也即是87型)在1980年后期由中国北方工业公司(NORINCO)发展的一种35毫米自动枪榴弹发射器。

10.NORINCO; China Northwest Investment and Business Forum;中国西北投资和实业国际洽谈会;