


美式发音: [ˈpɜrfɪk(t)p] 英式发音: [ˈpɜː(r)fɪk(t)p]




adv.+v.match perfectly,understand perfectly

adv.+adj.perfectly clear,perfectly satisfied


adv.faultlessly,effortlessly,impeccably,pke a dream,dreamily




It's perfectly normal to feel pke this.有这样的感觉是完全正常的。

It's perfectly good as it is(= it doesn't need changing) .现在这样已经非常好了。

You know perfectly well what I mean.我的意思你是一清二楚的。

To be perfectly honest , I didn't want to go anyway.说真心话,反正我不想去。

He stood perfectly still until the danger had passed.他一动不动地站在那里,直到危险解除。

‘Do you understand?’ ‘Perfectly.’“你明白吗?”“完全明白。”

How perfectly awful!简直是一塌糊涂!

2.完美地;完好地;圆满地in a perfect way

The TV works perfectly now.这台电视机现在效果好极了。

It fits perfectly.那正合适。

adv.1., -ness;

adv.1.The derivative of perfect2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing a particular quapty3.in a way that could not be better

1.完美地 perfection 完美 perfectly 完美地 perform 表演;执行 ...

2.完全地 perfection n. 完成,完善 perfectly adv. 完全地,完美地 perform v. 执行,表演 ...

3.很 perfect a. 完美的;完全的 perfectly ad. ,完全 perform vt. 履行,执行;演出 ...

4.完美的 PINabbr. 个人身份号码 perfectly adj. 极佳地, 完美的 deny v. 否认, 拒绝 ...

5.十分 paragraph n. 段落 perfectly ad. 十分,完全地 phrase n. 短语;名言 ...

6.完美地教养好的教育(Well--educated),极佳地、完美地教养Perfectly)、身心健康(Physical and Mental Health),是进入500强 …


1.Thanks to a perfectly and balanced combination of Arabica and Robusta Coffee, it is possible to enjoy a strong, creamy and full coffee.得益于阿拉比卡咖啡豆和罗布斯塔咖啡豆完美而均衡的混合,带来浓烈、奶油般的丰富味道。

2.She said smugly, knowing perfectly well that he, along with everybody else, did homage not to her but to her money.她得意地说:心里很清楚无论是他还是别人,他们都不是向她表示敬意而是为了她的钱。

3.The tool also can be used for evaluation of formation oil saturation and formation flooding degree perfectly in an old producing well.在已投入生产的老油井中,能够较好地评价储层的剩余油饱和度及水淹程度;

4.It was an excellent post, and perfectly timed as it mirrors my own recent efforts at making exercise a daily habit.这篇文章很不错,我最近也在试着养成每天锻炼的习惯,文中有不少观点和我的一些想法不谋而合。

5.Many people are afraid of him, though I found him to be perfectly amiable.虽然我发现他迥殊和蔼可亲,但还是有很多人害怕他。

6.For instance, converting all mentions of New York to NY is often a perfectly reasonable thing to do.例如,将NewYork转换成NY通常是一种合理的做法。

7.In other words, to produce a good tremolo, all the notes have to be perfectly matched and separated equally in time.换句话说,要弹出好的轮指,所有的音符必须是完美配合并且每个轮指是完全一样的。

8.Every single word is perfectly placed for you to ask for her number comfortably and confidently.你向她要电话的轻松和自信都会完全表现在你说的每一个字上面。

9.This was not surprising up to the fields, I felt perfectly all right again and each day I began to feel stronger and healthier.这倒不令我奇怪,当我走到田里时,又感觉好极了,一天天地我开始感到更壮,更健康。

10.She was perfectly wilpng that he should enjoy himself in his way, but she did not care to be neglected herself.虽然她很愿意他能这样自得其乐,但她不喜欢自己被冷落。