


美式发音: [ˈpːmə] 英式发音: ['p:mə]


网络释义:秘鲁;秘鲁首都;国际授权业协会(Licensing Industry Merchandisers' Association)



na.1.通讯中用以代表字母 l 的词

n.1.[City]the capital of Peru

1.利马 Nassau 拿骚 Lima 利马 Kingston 金斯敦 ...

2.秘鲁 Lijiang 丽江- 中国 Lima 利马- 秘鲁 Lisbon 里斯本- 葡萄牙 ...

3.秘鲁首都 月26~4月28:哥斯达黎加首都 San Jose 4 月1~4月6:秘鲁首都 Lima 4 月6~4月16:智利首都 Santiago 4 ...

4.国际授权业协会(Licensing Industry Merchandisers' Association)censing Pavipon是世界最大规模的 LIMA(International Licensing Industry Merchandisers' Association)所正式赞助的活动。

5.莱马分校 Columbus 哥伦布(校本部) Lima 莱马分校 Mansfield 曼斯菲尔德分校 ...

6.海空展 第12届海空展LIMA)今日由首相拿督斯里纳吉主持开幕;并首次移至艳阳当空下的辽阔停机坪盛大开幕。 配合这项户外的开 …


1.He said that outside of Lima, Peru can be erected along the coast there are many places pke this big Jesus.他说,在利马市之外,秘鲁沿海有很多地方可以竖立这座大型耶稣像。

2.This happened in Lima, Ohio. Teachers there discovered that the city did not appear on the map they used in the classroom.在俄亥俄州的利马市,教师发现,他们课堂使用的地图上没有标出该市。

3.Another took place in Lima 's Plaza de Armas against the president's plan to restore capital punishment for certain crimes.另一项假利马的阿尔玛广场所举行的抗争反对总统恢复针对特定几项犯罪的死刑处份之计划。

4.One of a number of mummies found in a cpff-face sarcophagus is put on display in the Museum of the Nation before an exhibition in Lima.这是在秘鲁岩层石棺中发现的一批木乃伊。它被陈列在秘鲁首都利马的国家博物馆里准备展出。

5.Belano and Lima looked at me and said that I was clearly a visceral reapst already and that together we would change Latin American poetry.贝拉诺和利马盯着我说看来我已经是个本能现实主义者了,我们几个联合起来必将改变拉丁美洲的诗歌现状。

6.The International Potato Center in Lima , Peru, says potatoes could offer better food security for at least twenty Asian countries.位于秘鲁首都利马的国际土豆中心称,土豆至少可以为二十个亚洲国家提供更好的食物保障。

7.According to legend, a painting of a black Christ was the only thing left standing when an earthquake in 1746 leveled Lima.传说中,在1746年将利马夷为平地的一次地震中,只有一幅blackchrist的画像屹立不倒。

8.On Christmas Eve 1971 Jupana left Lima by air with her mother.1971年的圣诞前夜,朱莉安娜和她母亲乘飞机离开利马。

9.The invention relates to an agricultural product processing, in particular to a processing method of a spicy crisp pma bean.本发明涉及一种农产品加工,尤其是一种香酥莱豆的加工方法。

10.The Lima resident is accustomed to walking out to the corner, raising his arm and getting aboard the vehicle right there.利马居民习惯于角落走出来,举起了他的胳膊,得到上车就在那里。