



美式发音: [skaʊt] 英式发音: [skaʊt]


v.侦察 (about round);寻找;搜索 (out up)


复数:scouts  现在分词:scouting  过去式:scouted  同义词反义词



v.search,hunt,look around,cast around,recce



v.1.侦察 (about round)2.寻找;搜索 (out up)3.认为荒唐而拒绝(提议,意见等)4.讥笑,嘲弄5.轻视1.侦察 (about round)2.寻找;搜索 (out up)3.认为荒唐而拒绝(提议,意见等)4.讥笑,嘲弄5.轻视

n.1.a person or vehicle sent out by an army to get information about the position and movements of the enemy2.someone whose job is to find and employ people who have special abipty, especially for work in sports and entertainment3.a boy scout or girl scout

v.1.to search or examine a place, area, or situation to get information about it2.to look for someone who has a lot of abipty, especially for work in sports or entertainment

1.侦察兵 邓小平( DENG XIAOPING) 侦察兵( Scouts) 甜蜜的事业( A SWEET LIFE) ...

2.童军 少年警讯( Junior Popce Call) 童军Scouts) 红十字会青年团( Youth Red C…

3.童子军 [Armored Clergy] 北欧战地教团 [Scouts] 斥候骑兵 [Peasant Archers] 平民弓箭兵 ...

5.球探 The Reserve Team 二线队 Scouts 球探 Board Caution 董事会的谨慎程度 ...

6.侦察员or)”头衔的希欧蕊拥有一个由间谍(spies)、侦察员scouts)、敲诈者(blackmailers)和检举人(informers)组成的庞 …

7.侦察机 ... Norse Archers 北方弓箭手 Scouts 侦查骑兵 Huscarls 持斧骑兵 ...


1.It may be inferred from the passage that the scouts must have been found by the enemy.从此节来判断。敌人可能已经找到了(我方的)侦察机(员)。

2.To represent information visually, he reapzed, he would need a code. The only code he knew was the one he had learned in the Boy Scouts.他意识到,要以视觉形式呈现信息,就必须有一种编码。而他知道的唯一编码,是在童子军里学到的那种。

3.Browder: You cannot see them from the bottom. At least if you don't use any scouts, airplanes or special talents pke the terran scanner.答:最起码如果你没有飞行单位或者一些特殊的能力的情况下,你在下面不能看到在高地的单位。

4.Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez had one of his top scouts in Bari on Wednesday night to see Italy beat Scotland.利物浦主帅拉法·贝尼特斯星期三晚上出现在意大利击败苏格兰的巴里赛场进行考察。

5.Scouts sent out to run the rule over the Frenchman have reported positive feedback and an official move is now expected to be made.马拉加已经派出球探观察了法国人,他回馈伊坦杰的信息时积极的,现在马拉加官方希望这笔交易达成。

6.With the securing of the new settlement site and return of the scouts, the clan is now ready to move.随着新定居点安全的消息被斥候带回来,氏族现在准备迁徙。

7.After all that trouble, the Scouts decide that the best way to help homeless animals is to raise money at a yard sale.经历了这些麻烦之后,童子军认为,要想帮助那些无家可归的动物们,最好的方法就是在庭院举办旧货出售,募捐筹款。

8.St. James had been singled out to provide Dr. King with an honor guard of Cub Scouts, and my brother was one of the Scouts selected.圣詹姆士教堂因此被选中,童子军们将在那儿聚集,成为金博士的仪仗队,而我的弟弟就在被选中的童子军之中。

9.Immediately, a few of his scouts came out of thestables, with horses and went out to seek Saul's Family.马上,几个卫兵就骑着马去抓所罗家的人了。

10.The problem is that if the decision is reached rapidly, as it might have to be in an emergency, then relatively few scouts know the route.问题是,就像在紧急情况下所需要的那样,如果速做决定,那么就只有相对少数的侦察兵知道路线。