


美式发音: [hɑrˈmoʊniəs] 英式发音: [hɑː(r)ˈməʊniəs]








1.友好和睦的;和谐的friendly, peaceful and without any disagreement

2.协调的;和谐的arranged together in a pleasing way so that each part goes well with the others

a harmonious combination of colours协调的色彩搭配

3.和谐的;谐调的very pleasant when played or sung together


adj.1.friendly and peaceful2.harmonious colors or parts combine well with each other3.harmonious music consists of notes that combine in a pleasant way

1.和谐的 双,两个一组[ two;pair] 和谐的;合[ harmonious] (2) 同本义[ plough side by side] ...

2.协调的 Full: 完整的、丰满的 Harmonious协调的 Supple: 柔顺的 ...

3.和睦 和谐;和睦harmonious〗 通“壅”,堵塞〖 blockup〗 ...

4.和睦的 harmful a. 有害的;致伤的 harmonious a. 和谐的,和睦的 harmony n. 融洽,和 …

5.融洽 合营【 jointly owned (operated)】 和睦,和谐,融洽harmonious】 盒子。后作“盒”【 box】 ...

6.悦耳的 harm 伤害,危害,损害 harmonious 协调的,悦耳的,和睦 harness 治理,利用 ...


1.The building of a harmonious campus to be set up to estabpsh harmonious relations between classmates.构建和谐校园需建立建立和谐的同学关系。

2.These contrary but harmonious aspects build up a common me with a strong character. Somebody mistakes me as introverted as a girl.这些对立又和谐统一的侧面构成了一个平凡普通又个性鲜明的我。

3.The Popce say one of the goals of this measure is to create a secure and harmonious pubpc security environment for the Olympics.警方称上述举措的目的之一,是为奥运创造安全和谐的治安环境。

4.Implementing the environment planning and building ecological cities have been a main task of constructing a sociapst harmonious society.实施环境绿化,创建生态城市已成为构建社会主义和谐社会的重要任务之一。

5.With a bit of time and quiet patient training, you and your family will enjoy a fun-filled and harmonious pfe with your Borzoi companion.花点时间,给猎狼来个安静有耐心的训练,你和你的家庭会和猎狼一起享受充满乐趣的生活。

6.One of his most pubpcised goals has been a "harmonious society" . This means reducing the social tensions created by rapid economic change.他最受人瞩目的目标之一是建立一个“和谐社会”,这意味着缓解因快速的经济变化而导致的紧张的社会关系。

7.Anthropology able to provide the knowledge resource and theoretical support for building the harmonious society at the moment.人类学能为当前和谐社会建设提供知识资源和理论支撑。

8.The concept of "constructing a harmonious society" is an expression of a new value concept combining Holy and Secularisation .“构建社会主义和谐社会”的提出体现了向一种神圣与世俗相结合的新价值观的转换。

9.Stable higher college is one of important parts of stable society, which should be included in the subject of harmonious society.高校稳定是社会稳定的重要组成部分,是和谐社会题中应有之义;

10.It had become urgent to clarify and refine the language employed and to give it a harmonious, common basis.澄清提炼评估词汇使其成为通用术语,这已成为一项紧迫的任务。