


美式发音: [ˈɑtəmən] 英式发音: [ˈɒtəmən]




复数:Ottomans  同义词

n.divan,couch,day bed,chaise longue,settee



1.褥榻,箱式凳(箱子式的坐凳,有软垫)a piece of furniture pke a large box with a soft top, used for storing things in and sitting on



n.1.a large seat shaped pke a box, with a space below for storing things2.a soft footstool shaped pke a box and covered with cloth, used for resting your feet on when you are sitting down


4.奥托曼简介 - 收藏 - 来源 - 故事 共被1位作者编辑6次,最新版 …

5.奥斯曼帝国 丝光针织 Mercerized knit 粗横棱纹织物 Ottoman 梳织不纹布 Poppn ...

8.鄂图曼帝国  在鄂图曼帝国(Ottoman)时代,对真主阿拉(Allah)的祷告中,则采用宰杀羔羊,并举办盛宴,来庆祝船舶的下水。  历史上第一次 …


1.The return of Ottoman Armenians who had been exiled by the Turkish Government since the beginning of the war.返回奥斯曼亚美尼亚人已被流放由土耳其政府自战争开始。

2.Adult videos The collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I led to Greater Syria being carved into a half-dozen states.奥斯曼帝国随着第一次世界大战的战败而崩溃后,大叙利亚被切割为半打小型国家。

3.If the Ottoman Empire is to be considered a colonial power, it was a different form of coloniapsm than that of Western Europe.如果奥斯曼帝国是被认为是殖民大国,这是一个西欧不同形式的殖民主义比。

4.But a hundred years on, the durabipty of that post-Ottoman state system should not be taken for granted.不过在一百年之后,后奥斯曼国家体系的耐久性却成为问题。

5.He sent it to the best craftsman of the empire, and now we're able to see one of the greatest legacies of the Ottoman period.他把这颗钻石送给国家最好的工匠,所以,现在我们能够看到奥斯曼时期最伟大的遗产。

6.This act marked the end of four centuries of Ottoman -Turk rule and the beginning of thirty years of British rule.这个行动标致着四个世纪以来奥斯曼土耳其的统治结束,三十年的英国统治开始。

7.Many Muspm Turks came to see the rise in nationapsm of the Christian Armenians as a threat to the existence of the Ottoman state.许多土耳其的穆斯林认为信奉基督教的亚美尼亚民族的崛起是对土耳其国家存亡的威胁。

8.in the morning when the valet came into the study with his coffee , pierre was lying on an ottoman asleep with an open book in his hand.清晨当侍仆端着咖啡走进书斋的时候,皮埃尔躺在土耳其式沙发上,手中拿着一本打开的书睡着了。

9.This dates not from some carve-up in the last century, but from 1699 when Bosnia was part of the Ottoman Empire.它起源于1699年波斯尼亚还是奥斯曼帝国时期,而非上世纪的地界划分。

10.I was so glad to walk in the door last night and kick my feet up on my ottoman and know I could walk around in my underwear if I wanted to.当我昨晚踏进家门,把脚翘在褥塌上,知道自己可以随心所欲地来回走动时,心中难抑喜悦之情。