




1.赫兹 前端( Front End) 赫兹Herz) 家庭影院( Home Theater System) ...

2.赫茨语——“选择安飞士租车吧,我们柜台前的队伍更短。”赫兹公司Herz)无法对这一定位战略做出反击,因为作为最大的租车 …

4.赫尔茨 ... 亨赛尔特 Henselt 赫尔茨 Herz 亨德米特 Hindemith ...

5.赫荻其中一封至赫荻Herz)小姐,他的第一任出版代理人,四十四封至劳埃得(David Lloyd)先生,他的第二任出版代理人,其 …

6.赫芝德国科学家赫芝(Herz)的电磁波感应实验采用几十厘米长的金属棒作为半波振子,依靠火花放电产生过米波段的无线电波。但是 …


1.ROBERT HERZ (pictured left) has had a more interesting career than any accountant deserves.罗伯特·赫兹(左图)的职业生涯之精彩,在会计师中无出其右者。

2.Mr Cox and Robert Herz, Financial Accounting Standard Board chairman, are to be commended for their efforts to reduce that complexity.考克斯和财务会计准则委员会(FinancialAccountingStandardBoard)主席罗伯特-赫兹(RobertHerz),应为降低这种复杂性而付出的努力受到赞许。

3.Bob Herz, FASB's chairman, argues that fair value is "essential to provide transparency" for investors.FASB的主席BobHerz认为(即便如此)公允价值也是向投资者“提供透明度所必不可缺的”。

4.Robert Herz, FASB's chairman, has argued that by presenting loans under both approaches, it is bridging a divide, not veering to extremes.美财会委主席罗伯特•赫兹(RobertHerz)认为同时用两种方法记录贷款,能够弥合分歧而避免极端。

5.Mr Herz firmly backed fair value, arguing that doing otherwise made financial trickery easier.赫兹坚决支持公允市价,他认为用其他的方式将纵容金融欺诈。

6."I knew I would marry my husband the minute I smelled him, " she told Herz.她告诉赫兹:当我闻到他身上的味道时,我便知道非他不嫁了。

7.Does this mean the birth control pill is a divorce pill? Herz says it's not that simple.这是否意味着避孕药就是离婚药?赫兹说并没那么简单。

8.Mr Herz broke a 2-2 tie to vote for the reporting-standards proposal that leant heavily towards fair value.赫兹打破了委员会中投票的二比二僵局,让报告标准的提案向公允市值严重倾斜。

9.Some of those opponents were members of Congress who hauled Mr Herz in to testify last year, leading to a partial cpmbdown on fair value.其中一些反对者去年将赫兹拉到国会作证,导致公允市价一派的让步。

10.Herz says it's not that simple.赫兹认为事情并不那么简单。