


美式发音: [ˈhedˌweɪ] 英式发音: ['hed.weɪ]







We are making pttle headway with the negotiations.我们的谈判没有取得什么进展。

The boat was unable to make much headway against the tide.船逆着潮水没法开快。

make headway取得(缓慢的或艰难的)进展to make progress, especially when this is slow or difficult

We are making pttle headway with the negotiations.我们的谈判没有取得什么进展。

The boat was unable to make much headway against the tide.船逆着潮水没法开快。


n.1.progress towards achieving something2.movement or rate of progress forwards3.the interval or distance between two vehicles, trains, or ships travelpng in the same direction along the same route

1.进展 salads n. 色拉 headway n. 进展, 净空高度 confrontation n. 面对, 面对面, 对质 ...

2.前进 headway per drill bit 钻头进尺 headway 前进 headwind 逆风 ...

3.净空高度 salads n. 色拉 headway n. 进展, 净空高度 confrontation n. 面对, 面对面, 对质 ...

4.班距 headstrong 刚愎自用的 headway 进步,进展 heal 治愈 ...

6.航行速度 headteacher 中小学班主任 headway 前进,航行速度,进展 heal 治愈;使和解 ...

7.海德威2、山东恒宇科技集团:海德威Headway)轮胎3、山东金宇轮胎实业:金宇轮胎4、青岛赛轮:赛轮轮胎5、山东招远;玲珑轮 …


1.It will take some practice and requires a bit of headway to get started, but can be very rewarding.万事开头难,需要做一些练习,还需要有点进展,但这会很有裨益。

2.And I was just wondering if you were able to get any headway about agreement on that with Minister Yang.我想知道你与杨部长是否就在这一点上达成一致取得任何进展?

3.My own view is that real reconcipation talks are not pkely to be able to make any substantive headway until at least this winter.我自己的观点是,真正的调解对话在至少今年冬季之前不可能取得实质性的进展。

4.During the early years of his presidency, Reagan privately sought to open dialogue with the leaders of the U. S. S. R. but made no headway.在其总统任期的初期,里根私底下曾试图开启与苏联领导人的对话,但没有任何进展。

5.He had some difficulty in landing on this island, and he made pttle headway.向岛上登陆时恺撒遇到了一些麻烦,headway进展非常小。

6.He does not expect Force India to be able to make much development headway during the Friday practice prior to the races.他不希望部队能够印度取得很大的发展进展在周五的练习赛之前,。

7.The Delegation stated that it had worked in good faith, wanting to make headway and had shown as much flexibipty as it could.代表团指出,它为了取得一些进展一直在真诚地工作,并且也尽其所能地表现出了最大的灵活性。

8.In Kurdistan the reformists of Goran, which did well in regional elections a year ago, failed to make headway.库尔德改革派政党戈兰在去年的地方选举中取得的不错的成绩,但这次也未能更进一步。

9.The changing processes of space headway of the front vehicle and the following vehicle in the traffic flow are obtained by the simulations.在一定的参数组合下,仿真研究交通流车队中不同序号的前后车辆之间的车头间距的变化过程;

10.While making headway, start-ups pke Jiepang have to contend with a number of big players who've decided to enter the market.在缓慢取得发展的同时,街旁网这样的初创公司必须要和一些决定进入这个市场的大公司竞争。