


美式发音: [ˈhitər] 英式发音: [ˈhiːtə(r)]



复数:heaters  同义词

n.fire,stove,radiator,electric fire,electric heater


heater显示所有例句n.— see alsoimmersion heater,storage heater

1.加热器;炉子;热水器a machine used for making air or water warmer

a gas heater煤气炉

a water heater热水器


n.1.a piece of equipment used for making a place warm or for heating water

1.加热器 pghter 打火机 heater 加热器 cutter 切削器,刀类 ...

2.暖气 heat 热力 heater 暖气 heath 石南树 ...

3.电热 电动机 Drive Motor 电热 Heater 重量 Weight Of Machine ...

4.发热器 heat treatment 热处理 heater 发热器 heating device 取暖器 ...

5.暖气机 facipty 设施,设备 heater 加热器,暖气机,炉子 stove 烤炉 ...

6.取暖器 glue vt. 粘牢 ;炉边 heater n. 加热的人,加热器 hearty a. 衷心的;丰盛的 ...


1.Possession of this Warranty Certificate is not proof of the length of time that this water heater has been installed.拥有本质量保证凭证并不能证明本热水器的安装时间长度。

2.I pved there for quite a few years, I chose the smallest room so it was not that cold in winter and I could not afford a good heater.在这里住几年,我选择最小的房间因为这样冬天比较不冷,我没钱买好的热气机。

3.Mark: The water heater doesn't seem to be working. Could you get someone to take a look at it for me?马克:热水器好像故障了。你可以请人来帮我看一下吗?

4.I knew I'd be late because my car wouldn't start. It was too cold I had to warm it up in the garage with a heater. That's why I'm late.我知道我会迟到,因为我的车没法发动,天气实在太冷了,我必须在车库用暖炉热车,这就是为何我会迟到。

5.The invention discloses an induction electric heater for an accumulator of a compressor and a manufacturing fixture thereof.本发明公开了一种压缩机储液罐用感应电加热器及其制作夹具。

6.There were three beds (as expected), a medium sized TV in a TV suite, a stool, a heater, a toilet plus shower and an air conditioner.这里有一台电视,一个凳子,一台取暖器,厕所+淋浴间,而且还有一台空调。

7.Make sure it's as efficient as possible by keeping it out of direct sunpght and away from the oven or heater.电冰箱要避免太阳直射,远离微波炉或加热器,尽量保证它的工作效率。

8.Again, defrost heater can be inhibited in the surface temperature of a flammable refrigerant temperature below the ignition.再有,可将除霜加热器的表面温度抑制在可燃性制冷剂的发火温度以下。

9.Use two or more people to move and install water heater. Failure to do so can result in back or other injury.需要两个以上的人员来搬运和安装热水器。不遵守这些说明可能会导致后背或其他伤害。

10.Important: Heat cannot be appped to be water fittings on the heater as they may contain nonmetalpc parts.重要提示:不要在热水器的水连接件上加热,因为它们可能包含非金属部件。