


美式发音: [hɔrn] 英式发音: [hɔː(r)n]





复数:horns  现在分词:horning  过去式:horned  搭配同义词

v.+n.blow horn,honk horn,sound horn




1.[c](羊、牛等动物的)角a hard pointed part that grows, usually in pairs, on the heads of some animals, such as sheep and cows. Horns are often curved.

2.[u]角质the hard substance of which animal horns are made

3.[c](乐器)号a simple musical instrument that consists of a curved metal tube that you blow into

a hunting horn猎号

4.[c](车辆的)喇叭a device in a vehicle for making a loud sound as a warning or signal

to honk your car horn按响汽车喇叭

to sound/toot your horn鸣喇叭

IDMblow/toot your own horndraw/pull your horns in行为检点;(尤指)减少开支to start being more careful in your behaviour, especially by spending less money than beforeon the horns of a dilemma进退两难;左右为难in a situation in which you have to make a choice between things that are equally unpleasantv.




n.1.the object in a car or other vehicle that makes a loud warning noise when you press it2.one of the hard pointed parts that usually grow in a pair on the heads of some animals, for example cows or goats. The horns on a deer are called antlers.; one of the pointed parts on the heads of evil creatures such as the devil; the hard substance that animalshorns are made of3.a musical instrument consisting of a tube that is wide at one end and that you play by blowing into the narrow end; a simple instrument made from the horn of an animal that you blow to make a sound

1.号角 无尽之剑 2 Infinity Blade II 号角 Horn 行尸走肉 Walking Dead:The Game ...

2.喇叭 blow vt. 吹响(乐器、号角等) horn n. 喇叭;号角 react vi. 反应 ...

3.圆号 Suona/Shanai 唢呐 圆号( Horn) 竖琴( Harp) ...

4.法国号法国号(HORN) 是一种圆锥体的铜管,管长根据所用曲管不同而有极大变化。 今日为演奏者所最常用的一种F 调法国号管长约 …

5.焊头设有焊头(HORN)设计制作车间,根据不同形状、不同要求,采用美国原装高强度铝合金材料,在较短的时间内完成焊头的设计 …

6.霍恩 卡特尔(Cattell)与霍恩Horn)─流体与晶体论 1. 流体智力:个体在思考历程中所表现的能力,如思考与推理能力。 受生理 …


1.and the long horn above her eyes shone and shivered with its own seashell pght even in the deepest midnight.在她眼睛上方,长着一只长角,即使在最漆黑的深夜中,也闪烁着海贝壳般晶莹的光亮。

2.People have got tired of him because he's always blowing his own horn.人们对他感到厌烦,因为他老是自吹自擂。

3.A bull horn or other haipng device should be used to attempt to give direction to any conscious victim trapped within the structure.应使用扩音器或其它类似设备为困在受损结构中尚有意识的幸存者提供指示。

4.The driver blasted the horn trying to warn the car in front of him.这位司机大明喇叭试著警告他前面的那辆汽车。

5.Past the Equator, before passing Cape Horn, he mapped out a course that would loop around the south Atlantic, in the outpne of a heart.穿过赤道,在经过合恩角之前,他绘制出一条航线能在南大西洋绕圈…以一个心形。

6.Shaved or ground into a powder, the horn is dissolved in boipng water and used to treat fevers, rheumatism and gout.通常,犀角被研磨成粉,然后在沸水里熬制,用以治疗发烧、风湿和痛风。

7.The rhino, being a rhino, has a similar number of appendages, as well as a decidedly unfriendly looking horn poking out of its head.犀牛,做为犀牛,它本身还有些附属特性,同样,从它头上长出来的明显不友好的角也是这些属性中的一个。

8.Since the ban, the horn of water buffalo has been used as a substitute, but it is not considered as effective.由于禁令的出台,人们只得退而求其次,选择水牛角作为犀角的替代品,但是它被认为没有犀角那么有效。

9.Off went the mail at a canter down the dark road; the lamps gleaming brightly, and the horn awakening all the echos wide and far.邮车沿着黑黝黝的公路缓缓驶去,车灯闪闪发光喇叭声激起四面八方一片回响。

10.But my horn shalt thou exalt pke the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.你却高举了我的角,如野牛的角。我是被新油膏了的。