


美式发音: [ˈhʌŋkər] 英式发音: [ˈhʌŋkə(r)]




第三人称单数:hunkers  现在分词:hunkering  过去式:hunkered  同义词反义词






v.1.to squat down close to the ground

1.蹲下 hanker 渴望,追求 hunker 蹲下 spelunker 爱好探索洞穴的人 ...

2.盘坐 hunk 大块 hunker 盘坐 hunkers 腿臀部 ...

3.守旧派 ... tinker 补锅工人,白铁工人 hunker 守旧派,保守派 junker 吸毒的人 ...

4.保守派 ... tinker 补锅工人,白铁工人 hunker 守旧派,保守派 junker 吸毒的人 ...

5.保守主义者 “to vank”( 使劲拉);还是名词,如 “hunker”( 保守主义者),用 ...

6.蹲着的 toasty: 暖和舒适的 hunker蹲着的 periscope: 潜望镜 ...

7.蹲下守旧者 hunk 大块 行的,好的 hunker 蹲下守旧者 hunkers 腿臀部 ...


1.And the thing is, we don't have to hunker down in the dark and forsake our worldly pleasures to be sustainable.事情是,我们不必躲在黑暗中,就为了能够“持续发展”的口头快感。

2.I'd deflate a bit and hunker down in anticipation of the next binge.而我则会收缩一点儿,静静地等着下一顿大餐。

3.If it isn't powerful enough, it won't hunker down in our minds, biding its time before it boomerangs back.如果不够强烈,信息不能在意识中存留,等着时间让其回归。

4.And the best strategy is not to hunker down and fit in. It's to stand up and stand out.因此最好的办法不再是守株待兔了,而是要站起来,从人群当中脱颖而出。

5.Protesters said Monday the movement would continue to expand and said they were preparing to hunker down for cold weather.抗议者周一说,示威活动还将继续扩大,还说他们在准备天冷时的避寒措施。

6.At home, the plan is defensive: to hunker down and prepare for the economic, poptical and perhaps miptary challenges that pe in store.其国内政策则以防御为主:未雨绸缪,着手控制可能的经济、政治甚至军事动乱。

7."That was me, the lonely hunker-down type, " he tells us, in an opening voice-over, glossing a shot of himself as a clerk in a video store.“那就是我,一个孤独的,隐忍的人。”在开场的话外音,他告诉我们,他是一家音像的员工。

8.Roosevelt understood that when citizens lose hope and meaning, they hunker down, grow fearful of one another, and progress stagnates.罗斯福明白民众一旦失去希望和生活的意义就会畏缩不前,惧怕别人,发展也就会因而停滞。

9.The consumers will hunker down further and pull back spending, sending the economy into a tailspin.消费者将要进一步减少开支,使经济进入失控状态。

10.But Israel cannot emigrate, and it will have no choice but to hunker down and fortify its formerly peaceful border with Egypt.可惜以色列无法迁居,只能严守其和埃及之前签订的和平边界。