


美式发音: [ˈhjʊrən] 英式发音: [ˈhjuərən]





n.1.a member of a confederacy of Iroquoian peoples who pved around the Great Lakes and now pve in Quebec, Ontario, and Oklahoma.

un.1.second largest of the Great Lakes, lying between the state of Michigan, United States, and the province of Ontario, Canada.2.city in eastern South Dakota, east of Pierre and northwest of Sioux Falls.

1.休伦 Frederick 腓特烈号 Huron 休伦号 Seattle 西雅图号 ...


1.Prosecutors accuse the couple of locking the children in cages to discippne them, and they want Huron County to take permanent custody.检方指控这对夫妻将孩子锁在笼中以便管教,而且要休伦郡负起长期监护之责。

2.The word Canada is a derivation of the Huron-Iroquois Kanata. This means village or settlement.加拿大一词来自休伦-易洛魁土语Kanata,意思是村庄或居住地。

3.Small farming towns pke Huron, which appear rickety at the best of times, are now desperate.像休伦这样的小型农业城镇,在经济最好的时候也岌岌可危,现在更是穷途末路了。

4.Lake Huron is one of Great Lakes of North America. It's the second largest lake and locates in center.休伦湖是北美洲五大湖之一,北美五大湖中第二大湖,其位置居中。

5.When he first attended school in Port Huron, Michigan, his teachers complained that he was "too slow" and hard to handle.在密执安的休伦港上小学时,老师们抱怨他“太迟钝了”,难以教育。

6.The Great Lakes that border Michigan from east to west are Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan and Lake Superior.大湖密歇根州的边境从东到西的伊利湖,休伦湖,密歇根湖和苏必利尔湖。

7.St. Mary's river is at the upper end of Huron.圣玛丽河位于休伦湖的上游尽头。

8.With remarkable enterprise he obtained permission to sell newspapers on the railway train between Port Huron and Detroit.他怀着非凡的事业心获准在休伦港与底特律之间的火车上卖报。

9.Lake Huron, Lake Eire and Lake Ontario. They are located between Canada and the United States except Lake Michigan.除了密歇根湖,其他四大湖都位于美国和加拿大的国境线上。

10.According to the United States miptary the C-12 Huron got into difficulty and the pilot tried to make an emergency landing.根据美军基地说法,这架编号为C-12Huron的飞机飞行时遇上了麻烦,飞行员曾试图作紧急迫降的。