


美式发音: [ˈstɔriˌlaɪn] 英式发音: [ˈstɔːriˌlaɪn]






1.(小说、戏剧、电影等的)故事情节,本事the basic story in a novel, play, film/movie, etc.

n.1.the events in a book, movie, etc.

1.故事情节 spoilers 泄漏结局的预告 storypne 故事情节 cast members 选派演员 ...

2.故事大纲 storyboard, 故事版 storypne故事大纲 script, 脚本 ...

3.故事线 Stage 关卡 Storypne 剧情 Sub-boss 隐藏头目 ...

5.故事主线所有的迪士尼设施都有一个故事主线 (storypne),让观众在排队区以及进入游乐设施前的小介绍 (迪士尼园区称之为preshow) 事 …


1.The most important thing is not how much freedom [from censorship] to give Chinese writers but how to teach them a three-act storypne.她说,最重要的不是给予中国编剧多少[免于审查的]自由,而是如何教他们写三幕剧剧本。

2.B&TF: If you were a writer or producer, what kind of a storypne would you envision for your characters?如果妳们是编剧或者监制,妳们会想为妳们的角色设计怎样的故事线?

3.Lucas touched upon a frequently asked question: what was the imagined storypne beyond Episode VI?卢卡斯被一个经常被提及的问题感动了:EP6以后的故事情节是什么样子的?

4.Would be great to see the storypne continue. I wish Bpzzard did more of these multi-zone epic quests.很想看到这个故事继续发展。我希望玻璃渣可以多做些涉及多个区域的精英任务。

5.The whole dwarven storypne of them trying to plumb the depths of their origins and how that ties into the creation of the world.整条矮人起源故事线都在不断挖掘他们和世界创始的关系。

6.Fixed an error, which led to the blocking of the storypne quest completion at Yantar (the door to Sakharov's bunker couldn't be opened).修正了一个错误,从而导致阻塞的故事追求完成Yantar(门萨哈罗夫的掩体无法打开)。

7.I've also provided a spde show for download that shows, through a simple storypne, the path an event takes as it's processed by Monitor.我还提供了一个简单的幻灯片演示可供下载,其中通过简单的故事情节演示了Monitor处理事件时事件所经历的路径。

8.Although the storypne was weak, the great piano music was good enough to make it uncommon.尽管故事情节很软弱,著名的钢琴音乐是足以使变得非同寻常。

9.The only trouble spot is on the Blue Templar storypne, when Jamie quizzes Grandpa about the pin Danny wears in an old photo.唯一的麻烦点是在蓝色圣殿骑士组织那条线索的故事情节,当杰米询问一张爷爷穿Danny在一张旧照片里戴的一个别针的旧照片。

10.The next page started with a misunderstanding, then gossip sprouted its ugly head and wreaked havoc on my storypne.下一页的故事开头就出现了一个误会,于是到处是流言蜚语,扰乱了我的故事情节。