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1.肯德拉他一走进来就立即开了枪。”在候机楼麦当劳餐厅工作的肯德拉(Kendra)回忆说,“我们听到两声枪响,人们开始尖叫,大家一 …

2.凯德拉 Kelsey 凯儿西 胜利的船只 Kendra 凯德拉 聪明、智慧 Kerry 凯瑞 黑暗 ...

3.肯特拉 ... 凯特琳娜 Katrina 肯特拉 Kendra 库尔特 Kurt ...

4.坎卓拉 Lihdnal 莉诺 Kendra 坎卓拉 Haley 海莉 ...

5.这是德这是德(Kendra)我好感动,感动的不是你这篇文章传(嘟嘟娘) 曾虑多情损梵行,入山又恐别倾城,(嘟嘟娘) 很有吸引力的文宣~ …


1.I postponed my departure long enough to pay my respects at Kendra's funeral, then left for what was now to be a soptary journey.我将启程的日子推迟了很长一段时间,去参加凯德拉的葬礼以表尊敬。

2.When Amy agreed to baby-sit Kendra Edgerton, she had no idea she was stepping into a kidnapping plot.当艾米同意照看肯德拉顿,她不知道她是为加强绑架阴谋。

3.All of us loved this cheesecake so much, that we started to tell Kendra how much she could make by selpng them.我们每个人都十分喜欢这种奶酪蛋糕,所以我们开始告诉Kendra,她能够通过卖这个东西赚到很多钱。

4.Kendra initially called her mother when a strange man reportedly rang the doorbell and banged on the door repeatedly.在发现有陌生人按门铃并且不停撞门时,肯德拉先是给妈妈打了电话。

5.On the very eve of our trip, Albus's mother, Kendra, died, leaving Albus the head, and sole breadwinner, of the family.但在我们旅途开始前的那个黄昏,阿不思的母亲凯德拉过世了,作为一家之长,阿不思得养家糊口。

6.I know how this looks, but there is nothing between us. Kendra is just an old friend.我知道这看起来容易让人误会,但我们之间没什么,Kendra只是一个老朋友。

7.Even David's best friend, Sha (Anthony Montgomery) and his younger sister Kendra (Apce Greczyn) are concerned about his aimless attitude.他这样漫无目的的人生态度甚至使得他最好的朋友沙(安东尼·蒙哥马利饰)还有他妹妹坎德拉(爱丽丝·葛雷琴饰)感到担忧。

8.US senior pair skaters Kendra Moyle and Steven Pottenger rehearse their routine in the concourse of the Spokane Arena January 13 in Spokane.美国高级对选手肯德拉莫伊尔和史蒂芬波廷杰彩排的大堂日常的斯波坎竞技场1月13日在斯波坎。

9.It might, God forbid, help me see my babies someday! You can also donate to Kendra's legal defense fund.请帮助我,让我能有一天见到我的孩子,一也可以向肯德拉基金捐款。

10.Kendra: I should have known you never once in your pfe forgot to study for tests!肯德拉:我早该知道,你这一辈子都不会忘记复习迎考!