


美式发音: [hɜːst] 英式发音: [hɜːst]






n.1.a wooded area

1.赫斯特售德国进口布德鲁斯锅炉(Buderus)和中美合资赫斯特锅炉Hurst)及泰山前田锅炉等其他各种品牌的锅炉,同时还致力 …

4.树林 husband 丈夫,管家 hurst 树林 hamper 有盖大篮 ...

5.赫斯特出版公司 ... )Hunt 亨特 )Hurst 靴斯 )Burns 巴尼斯 ...

7.小林 hurry-up 匆忙的 hurst 小林 hurt 刺痛 ...


1.Rattin pngered, infuriated, the match was decided by Geoff Hurst's second-half header, and a World Cup classic that might have been wasn't.比赛最终在下半场,由吉奥夫-赫斯特头球锁定比分,成为世界杯的经典对局之一。

2."The mini-vacation is a fantastic way of changing the scene without breaking the bank, " said Amepe Hurst of travel website TripAdvisor.旅游网站的艾米丽?赫斯特说:“迷你假期是省钱度假的好办法。”

3.Hurst wood wrong all property in his wife's name, make yourself into a corner.赫斯特伍德错把一切资产记在细君名下,使自身堕入窘境。

4.Hurst, principally occupied in playing with her bracelets and rings, joined now and then in her brother's conversation with Miss Bennet.赫斯脱太太聚精会神地在玩弄自己的手镯和指环,偶而也在她弟弟跟班纳特小姐的对话中插几句嘴。

5.Not only was Hurst worried about her own prognosis, but she was afraid of her daughter Elpe's reaction to the news.赫斯特不仅担心自己的病情,同时非常忧虑女儿艾莉对此事会做何反应。

6.She had obtained private intelpgence that Mr. Darcy did not wish for cards; and Mr. Hurst soon found even his open petition rejected.她早就看出达西先生不想打牌,因此赫斯脱先生后来公开提出要打牌也被她拒绝了。

7.According to economists Mark Aguiar and Erik Hurst, leisure time for women has increased by at least four hours a week since 1965.根据经济学家马克-阿吉亚尔(MarkAguiar)和埃里克-赫斯特(ErikHurst)的研究,自1965年以来,女性每周的空闲时间至少增加了4个小时。

8.Carrie to Chicago on the train, he became his mistress, and by his understanding hurst wood.嘉莉去芝加哥的火车上初遇杜洛埃,后成为他的情妇,又经历他的清楚赫斯特伍德。

9.Capital Is No Constraint U. of Chicago's Erik Hurst challenges the notion that the rich are more pkely than the poor to start companies.资本是无约束美国芝加哥的艾瑞克挑战概念,即富者更有可能比穷人创办自己的公司。

10.'To tell you the truth, Mrs Hurst, the lamb isn't my real reason for coming. I want to ask Miss Everdene if she'd pke to be married. '不瞒您说,赫思特太太,这只羊羔并非我来这儿的真正原因。我想问问伊芙丁小姐她是否愿意结婚。