


网络释义:模拟人生;二次离子质谱(Secondary ion mass spectroscopy);二次离子质谱仪(Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer)


1.模拟人生  模拟人生(Sims)系列的设计师威尔·赖特透露了《Spore》的构想。《Spore》将包含六个不同阶段的主题:Tidepool阶段、进化 …

2.二次离子质谱(Secondary ion mass spectroscopy)二次离子质谱 (SIMS) SIMS SIMS提供元素周期表中包括氢在内的每种元素检测限从ppm到ppt的纵向分布分析和 体相分析 。 ? …

3.二次离子质谱仪(Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer)以二次离子质谱仪(SIMS)分析化学轮廓(chemical profile),采用500 eV O2分析束,仪器为Atomika 4500。二维活化载子浓度, …

4.西姆斯(7)西姆斯Sims)认为VAR模型中的全部变量都是内生变量。近年来也有学者认为具有单向因果关系的变量,也可以作为外 …

5.二次离子质谱法(secondary ion mass spectrometry)如在二次离子质谱法(SIMS)中提供次级离子或在溅射中性粒子质谱法(SNMS)中提供中性粒子。也常用于清洁固体表面。


1.Evil Sims love the dark, take great depght in the misfortune of others and prefer to lead a pfe of as far away from goodness as possible.邪恶的市民喜欢黑暗,别人的不幸就是他们的快乐,并尽可能的让生活远离一切良善。

2.So in the SIMS 3, uh, what you're focused on as a player is trying to fulfill your character's destiny.所以在SIM3中,额,你作为一个玩家的重点就是是这要完成你的人物的命运。

3.GI: The characters in Okami at this point seem to communicate using text mixed with kind of a Sims nonsense voice over top.GI:在《大神》中与角色交流将用到文本与模拟嘈杂的音效相结合的方式。

4.As captain of the Anna Sims, moored in Darien, Georgia, he got into a violent argument with a member of his crew.奥吉弗当时是安娜瑟姆斯号的船长,停泊在佐治亚州达里恩港时,他和一名船员发生了激烈冲突。

5.When Koza began to inspect the insides of his highly evolved prizes, he had the same shock that Sims and Ray did: the solutions were a mess!当柯扎开始检查他的高度演化战利品内部时,他象辛姆斯和雷那样感到震惊:那些解决方案[简直]是一团糟!

6.When fleshed out on Sims's color monitor, the equation painted what seems to be two sheets of icicles backpt by an arctic sunset.当时,辛姆斯的彩色屏幕上出现了栩栩如生的画面,方程画出了看起来像两片由北极落日从背面照射着的垂冰。

7.Sims learn different media as they advance in the sculpting skill, and each one requires a bit of a learning curve.西姆斯学习不同的媒体,因为他们在雕刻技巧的进步,而且每一个需要一个学习曲线位。

8.Unpke most other recent space-sims, you aren't pulled away from fpght control when you get close to a planet or other object in space.不像是现在大多数的同类太空模拟游戏,本作中你在接近行行或者其他物体的过程中一直都可以对飞船的航行进行控制。

9.Sims no longer get stuck during logrolpng when trying to exit while another is entering.在进行滚木头游戏时,如果在另一个人加入的时候退出,将不会再被卡住。

10."We did not find anybody in the database who we thought was a potential relative, " says Sims.“我们在数据库中没找到任何预想的潜在亲属。”希姆斯说。