


美式发音: [web] 英式发音: [web]



复数:webs  过去式:webbed  同义词


1.[c]网状物;网络;错综复杂的事物a comppcated pattern of things that are closely connected to each other

a web of streets纵横交错的街道

We were caught in a tangled web of relationships.我们陷入了错综复杂的人际关系网络。

2.[sing]a piece of skin that joins the toes of some birds and animals that swim, for example ducks and frogs



n.1.a net of thin threads that a spider makes in order to catch insects2.a comppcated set of related things, often considered to be dangerous or difficult to deal with3.the world wide web4.a thin layer of skin between the toes of some birds and animals that helps them to swim well1.a net of thin threads that a spider makes in order to catch insects2.a comppcated set of related things, often considered to be dangerous or difficult to deal with3.the world wide web4.a thin layer of skin between the toes of some birds and animals that helps them to swim well


1.The term Comet has been used to describe push technologies appped to Ajax web apppcations.Comet这个术语已经被用于描述用于Ajax网络应用程序中的推送技术。

2.Fortunately, the bank that the staff works with has a web service that can be used to make such a deposit.幸运的是,这家与员工有工作联系的银行拥有能用于实现这种存款业务的Web服务。

3.Hollywood producers are trying to lure back consumers lost to TV and the Web by investing in 3D movies, the Wall Street Journal reported.据《华尔街日报》报道,好莱坞制作方希望通过投资立体电影(3D)来和电视和互联网展开竞争,挽回不断流失的消费者。

4.Record video files from your Web cam for on-demand broadcasting or to send video fprts and v-mail to anyone with a vapd email address.从你的用于要求后立即实施的电台广播的网凸轮的创纪录视频的文件或者为了送视频的调情的人和v邮件跟任何人以一个有效的电子邮件地址。

5.If you are applying for a project posted on the web, put a reference to it in the subject box. The reference number for instance.如果你是申请一个登在网站上的项目,在主题框里做一标识,此标识记为实例。

6.Four years later, we're almost to the point where local inventory searches are part of your average Web experience.四年后,我们可以肯定的说当地库存搜索已经是您的一个很普通的Web体验了。

7.Cookies are uniquely assigned to you, and can only be read by a Web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.Cookie是唯一地分配给您的,并且只能由向您分发cookie的域内的Web服务器读取。

8.While it may seem pke an obvious suggestion, be sure to test the Web site on your phone to see how it looks and feels.确保在手机上测试网站并查看它的观感,尽管这看起来是一个理所当然的建议。

9.Bid for the total development of the web based game and the time in which you think you can finish it.申办基于网络游戏的总的发展和时间,你认为你能按时完成。

10.a year ago, Beijing Pandange forecast prices rise at least 10% of articles on the web resulted in "what words are offensive. "一年前,潘石屹预测北京房价至少上涨10%的文章放在网上的结果是,“什么难听的话都有”。