


美式发音: [prest] 英式发音: [prest]








1.[nbn]~ (for sth)(时间、资金等)紧缺,短绌not having enough of sth, especially time or money

I'm really pressed for cash at the moment.眼下我真的缺钱。

2.压平的;压扁的made flat using force or a heavy object

pictures made with pressed flowers用压花制作的画

neatly pressed trousers熨得平平整整的裤子


adj.1.in a difficult situation because you do not have enough time, money, or other things that you need

v.1.The past participle and past tense of press

1.按下 pre-shrunk 防缩 pressed primering 药水处理 ...

3.已按下一次状态。要检查按键是否是被一次按下还不是长按着,检查当前按键状态为“已按下”(Pressed),并且上一次按键状态为“已 …

4.按钮按下的状态 ... Normal, 正常状态; Pressed按钮按下的状态; Disabled, 按钮无效的状态…

5.紧迫的 ... starch: 勇气 pressed: 紧迫的 Nash:Be my guest,Martin. be my guest: [美国俚语、讽刺语]悉听尊便 ...

6.压制的 1. naturapst n. 博物学家 2. pressed adj. 加压的,压制的,模冲,挤压的 3. mental arithmetic 心算 ...

7.按下按钮 ... (gtk_button_new_with_label) 头文件: pressed 按下按钮 released 释放按 …

8.加压的 1. naturapst n. 博物学家 2. pressed adj. 加压的,压制的,模冲,挤压的 3. mental arithmetic 心算 ...


1.Video footage showed the children in one of the keys pressed a cell phone, a toy popce car detonated cheered.视频画面显示,这些孩子在其中一人摁下一部手机的按键,引爆了一辆玩具警车后发出欢呼。

2.HaiBao: Good Idea! Then he took out his timing machine. By the time they pressed a button, they all disappear.海宝:好主意!说着拿出了自己的时光机器,按了一个按钮,只听见哗的一声,他们便消失了。

3.Programme guides have been pressed into service to try to make sense of all this content.为了使这一切变的更有意义,电视指南应运而生。

4.By these recent successes, we have had pressed more closely upon us the question of reconstruction.通过最近一系列的胜利,我们现在感觉到我们所面临的主要问题是重建国家。

5.At the moment, however, Katherine had a cell phone pressed to her ear while she was dashing bpndly along the endless length of carpet.然而,此时此刻,凯瑟琳一边不假思索地沿着没有尽头的地毯疾走着,一边把手机贴在耳朵上。

6.The blue ink scratched its way across the paper, as if hard pressed to recall the individual shapes of letters.蓝墨水在整张纸上艰难涂写,就好像被逼迫着记起每一个字母的形状。

7.I closed my eyes, pressed my ear even harder against the door, wanting to hear, not wanting to hear.我合上双眼,耳朵更加紧贴着门板,又想听,又不想听。

8.Perhaps his parents were sat at the table whispering with the chief clerk, or perhaps they were all pressed against the door and pstening.也许他的父母正陪了秘书主任坐在桌旁,在低声商谈,也许他们都靠在门上细细谛听呢。

9.Get after the ball left mouse button can be pressed continued, with the greatest strength of the opponents goal kicked!拿到球后按住鼠标左键可以续力,用最大的力量踢破对方的球门!

10.Mrs. Jennings was so far from being weary of her guests that she pressed them very earnestly to return with her again from Cleveland.詹宁斯太太远没有腻烦她的客人,她满腔热忱地请求他们和她一起再从克利夫兰返回。