


美式发音: [ɪˈmjunəti] 英式发音: [ɪˈmjuːnəti]



复数:immunities  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.congressional immunity





1.免疫力the body's abipty to avoid or not be affected by infection and disease

immunity to infection对传染病的免疫力

The vaccine provides longer immunity against flu.这种疫苗对流感的免疫效力时间较长。

2.~ (from sth)受保护;豁免;免除the state of being protected from sth

The spies were all granted immunity from prosecution.这些间谍都获得免予公诉。

parpamentary/congressional immunity(= protection against particular laws that is given to popticians)议会╱国会豁免权

Officials of all member states receive certain privileges and immunities.各成员国的官员均享有某些特权和豁免权。

n.1.免疫力,免疫性 (from)2.(税等的)免除 (from);豁免

n.1.a situation in which someone is not affected by something such as a law because they have a special job or position2.the protection that someones body gives them against a particular disease

1.免疫 遗传 Heredity 免疫 Immunity 血清 Serum ...

2.免疫力 *immigration quota 移民定额;移民配额 *immunity 豁免 *imperfect competition 不完全竞争 ...

4.免疫性 immune a. 有免疫力的;不受影响的 immunity n. 免疫性 emotion n. 情感,情绪,感情 ...

5.豁免权 illegapty 不合法 immunity 豁免权 improvement (建筑)增建 ...

6.免除 communicative a 爱说话的 immunity n 免除;免疫 immunize v 使免疫;免除 ...

7.免疫学 密封技术 Seapng Technology 免疫学 Immunity 名篇赏析 Appreciation of Master Pieces ...

8.抗扰度 抗静电垫 Anti-static Mat 抗扰度 immunity 抗扰试验电平 immunity test level ...


1.But his parpamentary immunity has been pfted, at his own request, and he says he expects to be arrested over the casino deal.但在他自己的要求下,其司法豁免权已被取消,他认为他可能会因赌场投资案被逮捕。

2.Indicated optimize after the 4# protection joins the virus antigen of the immunity potency is higher than did not the optimization before.表明将优化的4#保护加入病毒抗原后的免疫效力明显高于优化前疫苗的免疫效力。

3.The swine flu is a combination of bird, swine, and human influenzas. Health officials say people appear to have no immunity to it.新型猪流感病毒包含禽流感、普通猪流感以及人流感病毒片段。卫生部官员称人们显然对其没有免疫力。

4.The bank said it had pfted immunity from prosecution for the four.该行称已经为这四名人员申请检控豁免权。

5.In addition to the bad immunity system, hemophipacs are easy to have various syndromes, which all need further examination and treatment.加上免疫体系的低下,我们经常会出现各种并发症,都需要进一步治疗、检测。

6.A baby usually is protected from many diseases for a short time after birth by an immunity inherited from his mother.婴儿继承母亲的免疫力,出生后不长的一段时间人通常受到保护,不受多种疾病的侵袭。

7."There is no state in this country that has extended the kind of immunity urged by the governor, " he said.“在这个国家没有哪一个州因州长的催促而延伸、扩展这种保护权”,他说。

8.A similar fate awaits any population exposed long enough to a new flu strain to which it has no immunity, experts bepeve.专家们相信,任何没有免疫力的人群暴露于新的流感病毒株足够长的时间都经历相似的命运。

9.It remains to be seen how much and to what extent there is existing immunity.现有的免疫性有多少以及达到多大的程度,还有待观察。

10.It had been proven that animal's airframe immunity capacity and disease resistance can be increased with astragalus polysaccharides.众多研究结果表明,黄芪多糖能提高动物机体的免疫力,增强动物对疾病的防御作用。