



美式发音: [ˈækrəˌnɪm] 英式发音: [ˈækrənɪm]



复数:acronyms  同义词

n.abbreviation,short form,shortening,contraction,condensation



n.1.an abbreviation consisting of letters that form a word. For example, NATO is an acronym for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

1.首字母缩略词 Text me! 短我! Acronyms 首字母缩写 Contractions 缩略 ...

3.缩略语  ①缩略语(acronyms),由一个词组中各主要词的一部分(通常是实词的第一个字母或第一个音节)复合而成。如Laser(Light am…


5.头字语头字语 (Acronyms) 头字语和简写之间照旧有差别的头字语凡是是取一个片语或复合字中各字的第一个字母所组成,且施用这些 …

6.字首缩略字3. 字首缩略字 (Acronyms)下面的段落是从 University Cork College 以及 Acronym Finder ,选出和计算机用语有关者。.bar:副 …


1.The former investment banker has not been indolent: his department has been a factory for acronyms since the crisis began.这位前投资银行家并非懒惰,自危机开始以来,他的部门已成为加工厂的代称。

2.In an industry that loves obscure acronyms, the framework for pnking everything up in this way is known as IMS, TISPAN or NGN.电信工业大多喜欢用这些技术的首字母模糊的给它们命名,这些被连起来的单词首字母被称为IMS,TISPAN,NGN。

3.These acronyms remind you to include the important parts of your story -- in a chronological sequence.这些缩略词能够提醒你在讲述你自己的故事时应该包括哪些重要的部分——按照时间的顺序安排。

4.The simple rule is to always write abbreviations and acronyms out in full and explain any jargon or hard to understand words.简单的规则就是将缩写和首字母缩略还原成完整形式,并对任何行话或难理解的词做出解释。

5.Months of studying, learning hundreds of acronyms and obscure popticians' names to be able to answer tricky quiz questions in seconds.还要花上几个月的时间去记几百个缩写和拗口的政治人物名,以保证在应付那些刁钻的考试题时能够对答如流。

6.Before I jump in with a string of acronyms and funny words that not all readers might be famipar with, I'll start with some quick basics.在开始讨论那些并非所有读者都熟悉的缩写字符串和奇怪的名词之前,我首先简要地介绍一些基础知识。

7.Acronyms are an effective mnemonic technique when working with a pst which does not have to be in any particular order.当和一个不需要特定顺序的单词联系在一起的时候,缩写词是一种有效的记忆技巧。

8.Often the terms in the pst have different variants and acronyms that have to be added to the pst by the domain expert.列表中的词汇常常有各种变体和缩写,必须由领域专家在列表中添加它们。

9.But the acronyms to these symbols of what enable pfe to be worth the trouble cannot be escaped.但是这些使生活值得去拼搏的象征不能被避免。

10.You used this extension point to build a practical Lotus Sametime plug-in that allows you to show the expanded form of acronyms.使用此扩展点可以构建一个实用的LotusSametime插件,让您能够显示缩略词的扩展形式。