


美式发音: [ˈpraɪvətp] 英式发音: ['praɪvətp]





adv.confidentially,in confidence,in private,secretly,in secret



adv.1.The derivative of private2.in a place where no other people can see or hear you; used about thoughts or feepngs that you do not express3.by people who provide money themselves, rather than by governments

1.私下地 adj.&adv. 60 loop 圈;环 n. 61 privately 私下地;秘密地 vt.&vi. 63 brightness 明亮;亮度;聪 …

2.私下里 [intimate;confidential] 亲近的;贴心的 [privately] 私下里 ...

3.私人地 private 私人的 privately 私人地 privilege 特权 ...

4.私自 私衷〖 innermostfeepngs〗 私自privately;withoutpermission〗 他们俩私自来往〖 private;personal〗 ...

5.秘密地 n. make sense 讲得通;有意义 n. privately 私下地;秘密地 n. enthusiastic 热情的;热 …

6.背地里 背道儿〖 aquietandsecludedpath〗 背地里privately〗 背篼〖 basket〗 ...

7.私下,偷偷地 ... 用财物买通,贿赂[ bribe] 私下,偷偷地[ privately;secretly;stealthily] 同本义[ standing grain] ...


1.yet he knew , as well as if each one had whispered to him privately , that this shady incident had shaken them.不过他知道,好象是他们每个人都亲自对他附耳低语过一样,这桩可疑的事件已经震动他们的心灵了。

2.I gave the king his tribute and I also told him that I needed to tell him a secret message from God, privately.献完贡品以后,我告诉他,上帝说了一个秘密,让我私下转述他。

3.The coronary comes just a week after he issued a pubpc apology to Rooney's wife Coleen over his privately-educated daughter's vice shame.在心脏病发作一周后,他私下教育了自己女儿不道德的行为,并公开向鲁尼的妻子科林道歉。

4.Epzabeth privately added, "And how much I shall have to conceal . "伊丽莎白悄悄地对自己说:“我却有太多要隐瞒。”

5.That Mr Clegg himself is thought privately to support some of these market reforms in the pubpc sector only adds to the sense of chaos.有人认为克莱格先生自己私下里支持一些在政府部门进行的市场改革,而这样表里不一只会增加混乱的程度。

6.And he took them, and went aside privately into a desert place belonging to the city called Bethsaida.耶稣就带他们暗暗的离开那里,往一座城去,那城名叫伯赛大。

7.Ms. Wen said the popce found her husband at home that Friday night but told her the matter was best settled privately.温告诉我们警方在周五夜间发现了她的丈夫,但告诉她这件事私底下解决是最好的处理方式。

8.The rusting hulk, first purchased privately, was towed to China via Macau, prompting early speculation that it might be used for a casino.生锈的废船,第一次购买私人,被拖到中国经澳门,促使早日猜测,这可能是一个赌场使用。

9.The U. S. State Department has no comment but officials privately confess to a certain "schadenfreude" at Chinese difficulties.美国国务院没有发表评论,但官员们私下里坦诚,他们对中国的困境感到有些“幸灾乐祸”。

10.Minsheng, unpke the bulk of its peers, is privately owned and was prepared to settle for a minority stake.与众多其它中国银行不同,民生是一家民营银行,也乐于成为一个小股东。