


美式发音: [ˌsenɪˈɡɔːl] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Senegal, located in western Africa

1.塞内加尔 沙特阿拉伯( Saudi Arabia) 塞内加尔( Senegal) 塞舌尔( Seychelles) ...

2.塞内加尔共和国 尼日尔共和国 Niger 塞内加尔共和国 Senegal 塞拉利昂共和国 Sierra Leone ...

3.赛内加尔 SAUDI ARABIA 沙地阿拉伯 SENEGAL 赛内加尔 SERBIA 塞尔维亚 ...

4.塞内加尔独立日 印度共和国日--------( INDIA) 塞内加尔独立日-------( SENEGAL) 坦桑尼亚联合日-------( TANZANIA) ...

5.达喀尔 Saint Helena 詹姆斯敦 Senegal 达喀尔 Sierra Leone 弗里敦 ...

6.塞内加国 SAUDI ARABIA 沙特阿拉伯 SENEGAL 塞内加国 SEYCHELLES 塞席尔 ...

7.塞内加尔地图您的位置: 环球资讯>> 异国风情>> 塞内加尔地图(Senegal)塞内加尔地图(Senegal) 2008-7-30 14:20 | 查看: 707次 【投资移民 …


1.Well , in Senegal we found that this was the traditional classroom : 120 kids , three per desk .好,在赛纳加尔我们发现传统的教育:120个小孩子,三个人一张桌子。

2.In Senegal, a Chinese company cannot be awarded an infrastructure-related contract unless it has partnered with a Senegalese company.在塞内加尔,如果不和塞内加尔的公司合作,中国公司就不能得到基础设施方面的合同。

3.Senegal originally said it had no jurisdiction to try him, then changed its laws to include crimes against humanity.塞内加尔最初曾表示其无权审判哈布雷,后来该国修改了法律,将反人类罪纳入法律。

4.The Delegation stated that the Government of Senegal was aware of the fact that culture was the beginning and end of development.该代表团说,塞内加尔政府意识到,文化贯穿于发展的始终。

5.In Senegal, Mouhamadou Barro was underwhelmed by a speech that he said did not go far enough.塞内加尔的巴罗对奥巴马的讲话印象并不太好。他认为奥巴马所说得还不够。

6.Gueye said the company will sell much its Senegal-farmed rice in local markets, instead of exporting it all back to Saudi Arabia.Gueye表示会将部分塞内加尔稻米在本地市场销售,不会全部出口到沙特阿拉伯。

7.Berg, born in a small village in Cameroon, grew up in Senegal and is now running the technology for ChildCount+.Berg出生于喀麦隆的一个小村庄,在塞内加尔长大,现在负责ChildCount+技术。

8.The Frenchman is now on his way to Senegal to visit his family and will sign a contract with the Rossoneri on his return to Europe.法国人现在已经前往塞内加尔探亲的路上了,当他探亲结束返回欧洲,将和红黑军团正式签约。

9.Riots over the rising prices have broken out in several African countries including Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Guinea, Mozambique, and Senegal.价格上涨在若干非洲国家引起了暴乱,其中包括布基纳法索、喀麦隆、几内亚、莫桑比克和塞内加尔。

10.And, as Senegal stands to benefit from these investments in education, the American people are very proud to stand with you.而且,塞内加尔将从这些教育投资中受益,美国人民非常自豪地和你们共同努力。