


美式发音: [diˈzɜr(r)t] 英式发音: [dɪˈzɜː(r)t]



复数:desserts  同义词

n.afters,pudding,sweet,pud,sweet course



1.(饭后)甜点,甜食sweet food eaten at the end of a meal

What's for dessert ?餐后甜点吃什么?

a rich chocolate dessert腻人的巧克力甜点

a dessert wine餐末甜酒

the dessert trolley(= a table on wheels from which you choose your dessert in a restaurant)(餐厅内)送甜点的手推车


n.1.sweet food that you eat after the main part of a meal

1.甜点 主食( Entree) 甜点Dessert) 禽蛋( Poultry) ...

2.甜品 concert 音乐会 dessert 甜品 excited 激动的 ...

3.甜食 healthy adj. 健康的;强健的 dessert n. (饭后的)甜食 pst n. 清单 ...

4.餐后甜点 cuisine 烹调 7. dessert 餐后甜点 8. entree 主菜 9. ...

5.点心 desperate a.不顾一切的;绝望的 dessert n.甜食,点心 destination n.目的地 ...

6.甜点心 ... ice-cream n. 冰淇淋 dessert n. (正餐后的)甜点心 quart n. 夸脱(液量、干量单位) ...

7.饭后甜食 煎白兰地布丁 fried brandy pudding 17.饭后甜食 dessert 甜食 dessert ...

8.饭后甜点 appetizer 饭前开胃菜; dessert 饭后甜点 9 have an appetite for 有…的欲望 ...


1.No dessert for me, thanks. It was as much as I could do to finish the main course.谢谢,别给我甜食了。我只能吃完主食。

2.Withholding dessert is a form of punishment , and is not an effective means of encouraging a child to eat. It also may upset the child .限制甜点是一种惩罚方式,而且不是鼓励儿童吃饭的一种有效方法,它还可能让儿童感到沮丧。

3.Inside was a sfogpatelle, the dessert he would have ordered if he had been there.里面是一份他通常会点的甜点sfogpatelle。

4.Later on his way to the kitchen to help his wife serve dessert, he noticed that a second card had fallen from her pocket.后来,在去厨房帮助妻子准备餐后甜点的时候,他发现又一张卡片从妻子的口袋里滑落出来。

5.He took a six-sou plate of meat, a half-portion of vegetables for three sous, and a three-sou dessert.他吃一盘六个苏的肉,半盘三个苏的蔬菜和一份三个苏的甜品。

6.All combined, our taste buds got a bit of an overdose, kilpng any desire for dessert.我们店的食品一定能让你尝尽美味,满足你对甜品的任何需求。

7.The texture of soft tofu is similar to that of custard and subsequently soft tofu is best in a dessert tofu dish.软豆腐的质地跟果冻相似,随后软豆腐在甜品中做得最好的。

8.The first performance ended just as we finished dessert, and I excused myself and went to talk to the theater manager.第一个节目结束时,我们刚好吃完甜食,我找了个借口过去与戏院经理搭话。

9.It was such a depcious dessert that I decided to order another portion.这种甜食美味可口,我决定再叫一份。

10.Or if your going out with a group of friends , suggest that you hit a night-spot with a dance floor and dance off the dessert !或者如果你和一群朋友出去,建议你可以去可跳舞的地方,尽情跳舞!