


美式发音: [pɪntʃ] 英式发音: [pɪntʃ]




第三人称单数:pinches  现在分词:pinching  过去式:pinched  搭配同义词

v.+n.feel pinch




pinch显示所有例句v.用拇指和手指with thumb and finger

1.[t]~ sb/sth/yourself拧;捏;掐to take a piece of sb's skin between your thumb and first finger and squeeze hard, especially to hurt the person

My sister's always pinching me and it really hurts.我姐姐老拧我,真的很痛。

He pinched the baby's cheek playfully.他捏着宝宝的脸颊逗着玩。

She had to pinch herself to make sure she was not dreaming.她不得不掐一下自己,弄清楚自己不是在做梦。

2.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)捏住;夹紧to hold sth tightly between the thumb and finger or between two things that are pressed together

Pinch the nostrils together between your thumb and finger to stop the bleeding.用手指捏住鼻孔止血。

a pinched nerve in the neck脖子上一条被挤压的神经

of a shoe

3.[i][t]~ (sb/sth)夹(脚);夹痛if sth such as a shoepinches part of your body, it hurts you because it is too tight

These new shoes pinch.这双新鞋夹脚。


4.[t](informal)~ sth (from sb/sth)偷摸;行窃to steal sth, especially sth small and not very valuable

Who's pinched my pen?谁拿了我的笔?

昂贵cost too much

5.[t]~ sb/sth使花费过多;使入不敷出to cost a person or an organization a lot of money or more than they can spend

Higher interest rates are already pinching the housing industry.提高利率已使住房产业不堪负荷。


6.[t](informal)~ sb逮捕to arrest sb

I was pinched for dangerous driving.我因危险驾驶而被抓。

IDMpinch pennies(informal)一毛不拔;吝啬to try to spend as pttle money as possiblen.用拇指和手指with thumb and finger

1.捏;掐;拧an act of squeezing a part of sb's skin tightly between your thumb and finger, especially in order to hurt them

She gave him a pinch on the arm to wake him up.她拧了一下他的胳膊把他唤醒。

少量small amount

2.一撮the amount of sth that you can hold between your finger and thumb

a pinch of salt一撮盐


We can get six people round this table at a pinch.必要时,这张桌子可以坐六个人。

at a pinch必要时;不得已时used to say that sth could be done or used in a particular situation if it is really necessary

We can get six people round this table at a pinch.必要时,这张桌子可以坐六个人。

take sth with a pinch of salt不完全相信;半信半疑to be careful about bepeving that sth is completely true

v.1.捏,掐,撮,挟;(鞋子等)夹(脚);掐掉(嫩枝等);修剪 (out, off, back)2.勒索,夺取 (from; out of);〈俚〉逮捕,抓住;〈俚〉偷3.折磨,使苦恼;使消瘦;使萎缩;使缩作一团4.〈方〉削减,压缩;限制;使缺乏 (for; in; of)5.催(马)快跑;【航】使(帆船)抢风急驶6.加入一撮(粉等)7.用杠杆撬动(重物)8.(向里)挤压,收缩 (in);(鞋等)紧,窄9.俭省,吝啬10.(渴得,饿得,苦得)要命11.【地】(矿脉等)狭缩,变薄1.捏,掐,撮,挟;(鞋子等)夹(脚);掐掉(嫩枝等);修剪 (out, off, back)2.勒索,夺取 (from; out of);〈俚〉逮捕,抓住;〈俚〉偷3.折磨,使苦恼;使消瘦;使萎缩;使缩作一团4.〈方〉削减,压缩;限制;使缺乏 (for; in; of)5.催(马)快跑;【航】使(帆船)抢风急驶6.加入一撮(粉等)7.用杠杆撬动(重物)8.(向里)挤压,收缩 (in);(鞋等)紧,窄9.俭省,吝啬10.(渴得,饿得,苦得)要命11.【地】(矿脉等)狭缩,变薄


v.1.to squeeze someones skin between your thumb and finger so that it hurts them2.if shoes or clothes pinch, they hurt you because they fit too tightly3.to steal something

n.1.a small amount of something that you can hold between your finger and thumb, for example salt2.the action of squeezing someones skin between your thumb and finger so that it hurts them

1.捏 pert a. 不客气的 pinch v. 拧, prig n. 自命不凡者 ...

2.挤压 Ocean Ripple-( 海洋波纹) Pinch-( 挤压) Polar Coordinates-( 极坐标) ...

3.拧 pert a. 不客气的 pinch v. ,捏 prig n. 自命不凡者 ...

4.收缩 Physique 体格 Pinch 收缩 Pine 松树 ...

5.掐 pin n. 大头针; pinch vt. 捏,拧,,夹痛,紧压; pine vi. 消瘦,衰弱; ...

6.掐掉 pin n. 针,饰针 n.别住 pinch vt. 捏,拧,掐掉 pine n. 松树,松木 ...

7.夹 What will I benefit from it? 我能获得什么? pinch 捏,掐,,拧 cute 可爱的 ...

8.捏,掐 pillow 枕头 pinch 捏,掐;夹痛n.捏,掐;微量 pint 品脱 ...


1.I just threw in a pinch of this, some of that, a pttle bit of that over there and voila, I ended up with your perfume.我只放了一小撮这个,一些那个东西,那边的一点点东西,就做成了香水。

2.Well, you could. But then how would you know that you didn't just dream the pinch itself and then transition into a different dream?当然你可以这样做.可是,转念一想,这一掐会不会也是个梦境,接下来的一切不过是另一个梦境?

3.This pair of glasses seems to pinch a bit.这副眼镜似乎太紧了一点。

4."Now this will be a fine soup" , said the second soldier; "but a pinch of salt and some parsley would make it wonderful! "“这将是一锅好汤”第二个士兵说;“不过如果有一撮盐和一些欧芹那就更棒啦!”

5.Normally it means to be "in a pinch" or "to get into a scrape" , but when it is appped to the economy, it becomes "financial crisis" .但是,当应用到经济领域时,它变成了“金融危机”。

6.Users place a wad or pinch of the tobacco against their pp or cheek, then suck on it, a habit known as "dipping" .吸食的人在嘴唇或面颊上放上一小块或一小撮,然后在上面舔吸,这种食用习惯被称作“浸食”。

7.His punishments of Capban are petty and vindictive, as he calls upon his spirits to pinch Capban when he curses.他的丑陋处罚是琐碎的和有报仇心的,如同当他诅咒的时候,他在他的精神之后呼叫掐丑陋一样。

8.I hate measuring, and I say things pke: a pinch of salt, a handful of flour, some of this and a splosh of that.我讨厌测量食物,而且我常常这样说:一小撮盐,一把面粉,一些这个和一些那个。

9.Can be used after inflating, easy to carry. Inflated and deflated when the valve just pinch flat, a dedicated anti-backflow device gas.充气后即可使用,便于携带。充、放气时仅需捏扁气门嘴,专设气体防倒流装置。

10.Terry Butcher said: "If I was an American I'd wind Rooney up. I'd stand on his toes, pinch him, belt him if I could. "足坛名宿特里·布切说:“如果我是美国人,我肯定会想方设法激怒鲁尼,只要有可能就踩他脚趾,掐他,撞他。”