

intangible asset

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复数:intangible assets  


n.1.something that a company has, such as the good opinion of its customers, that has value to the company although its worth cannot be measured exactly

1.无形资产 Installment obpgation 分期付款 Intangible asset 无形资产 Interest 利息 ...

2.非实质资产,例如商誉 ... Inventory Turnover 库存周转率 Intangible Asset 无形资产 非实质资产,例如商誉 Interest 利息、权益 ...

3.有关无形资产定义 Depreciation( 折旧) (Intangible Asset, 有关无形资产定义, 请参考 ...

4.无形的资产 ... ■ Intelpgence was her main asset. 智力是她的主要财富. ■ Intangible asset 无形的资产. ■ Few words 沉默寡言. ...

5.无形财产 账面价值( Book Value) 隐性资产Intangible Asset) 股息( Dividend) ...


1.This type of income is called residual income and is often coined an intangible asset.这类收入往往被称为创造了剩余收入和无形资产。

2.While goodwill is technically an intangible asset, it is usually psted as a separate item on a company's balance sheet.从技术上来说,商誉是一种无形资产,通常作为一个单独项目在资产负债表上列出。

3.The usual accounting entry for amortization consists of a debit to Amortization Expense and a credit to the intangible asset account.摊销的一般会计分录由借记摊销费和贷记无形资产账户组成。

4.The trade mark is an intangible asset of every enterprise.商标是企业的一项无形资产。

5.For an expenditure to quapfy as an intangible asset, there must be reasonable evidence of future benefits.一项支出要成为无形资产,必须有合理的能让将来受益的证据。

6.Goodwill is an intangible asset that represents the extra value ascribed to a company by virtue of its brand and reputation.商誉代表一间公司因其品牌和信誉而得到的额外估值,是一项无形资产。

7.Through this legal recourse, Tencent was able to protect its intangible asset and protect its customers from potential transaction fraud.腾讯公司通过法律手段保护了自己的无形资产,并保障了用户的交易安全。

8.The systematic write-off to expense of the cost of an intangible asset over its useful pfe is termed as amortization.将无形资产的成本在其存续期内系统化地结转到费用叫做摊销。

9.formation of intangible assets, in accordance with the cost of an intangible asset amortization of 150%.形成无形资产的,按照无形资产成本的150%摊销。

10.Moreover, the paper simply discusses problems concerning intangible asset amortization and information disclosure.文章还简单介绍了无形资产价值摊销和信息披露所面临的有关问题。