



美式发音: [ɪnˈtriɡ] 英式发音: [ˈɪntriːɡ]




复数:intrigues  现在分词:intriguing  过去式:intrigued  同义词





v.1.计划阴谋,密谋 (against)2.私通 (with)3.用诡计取得;〈古〉哄骗4.使发生兴趣,使着迷,使好奇1.计划阴谋,密谋 (against)2.私通 (with)3.用诡计取得;〈古〉哄骗4.使发生兴趣,使着迷,使好奇

n.1.a secret plan to harm or cheat someone, or the process of making such a plan

v.1.to make someone very interested in knowing more about something, especially something that seems mysterious2.to plan secretly, especially in order to harm or cheat someone

1.阴谋 naked 率直的 intrigues 阴谋 champague 香槟酒 ...

2.尔虞我诈 enormously—— 庞大的。 intrigues—— 好奇的。 amiable—— 亲切的。 ...


1.His own long intrigues, sort of pke the Shanding cave people in Beijing.他自己长的很有意思,有点像北京的山顶洞人。

2.The effect of being able to "see through these transparent materials to an object that remains out of reach" is one that intrigues Wang.这件作品让王晋着迷的效果在于,它能让人“看到这些透明物质中无法企及的东西”。

3.In the shelter of your presence you hide them from the intrigues of men; in your dwelpng you keep them safe from accusing tongues .你必把他们藏在你面前的隐密处,免得遇见人的计谋。你必暗暗地保守他们在亭子里,免受口舌的争闹。

4.For he did not have the quapties necessary for survival in the midst of a swamp of intrigues and struggles for power.因为他没有具备在阴谋和权力斗争的渊薮中生存下来所必需的本领。

5.With a sharp eye for the ironic and the bizarre, she describes the intrigues, the insults and the betrayals of her characters.她以锐利的眼光针砭时弊,描述出作品中人物的钩心斗角和尔虞我诈。

6.Every child talks from the bottom of his heart without evil plans hidden and never intrigues against each other.每名儿童参加会谈的底部,他的心没有邪恶的计划和隐藏的阴谋永远不会对对方。

7.I am forced through intrigues and conspiracies and dirty tricks of all kinds to leave the Only German Fatherland.为了离开我的祖国德国,我被迫采取形形色色的阴谋、诡计和肮脏的花招。

8.Poptical intrigues around the airbase began when Bakiev became the president of Kyrgyzstan.围绕着空军基地的政治阴谋从巴基耶夫当选吉尔吉斯总统时就开始了。

9.But what really intrigues me are the imppcations of this process and dynamic for areas of pfe beyond tangible consumer products.但真正引起我兴趣的是这个过程可能适用于生活中比具体消费品更加不确定的选择。

10.What intrigues me about this is how these students go about picking which state institutions they wish to attend.让我觉得困惑的是,为什麽这些学生都选择去就读国家所设立的州立机构学校?