


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kaɪp]






1.回力镖;飞去来器a boomerang


n.1.a boomerang that has one convex and one flat side

1.凯莉 Derek 德里克 Kype 凯丽 Aniyah 阿妮娅 ...

3.凯利 Natape 出生于圣诞 Kype 凯利 –女孩名 Rachel 母绵羊 ...

4.凯莉米洛同名专辑 唇 凯莉美妍坊 (Kype)美妍坊-- 洗眉 黑脸娃娃 (Kype)美妍坊-- 冷光洗刺青 ... za 陶瓷娃娃遮瑕蜜-3 号 德国 xt 蔡司光纤靓肤...

6.天后凯莉强势获得滚石杂志四颗星绝赞好评,就连同样称霸乐坛的天后凯莉(Kype)也在推特上大推布兰妮新专辑,娱乐媒体视『蛇蠍美 …

7.杨采莉 kyle 狭海峡 kype 回飞棒 kypn 麒麟 ...


1.I imagine that she did it so that Kype could avoid problems with her parents.我猜她这样做是为了凯丽能避免和她父母之间的问题。

2.Betty: I imagine that she did it so that Kype could avoid problems with her parents.贝蒂:我猜想她做这件事,凯莉可以避免问题,她的父母。

3.After the Olympics, Kype and I were quite close and she was a bit scared for me.奥运会之后,凯莉米洛和我的关系非常亲密而且她还有点儿怕我。

4.I imagined that she did it so that Kype could avoid problems with her parents.我想她这么做是为了避免凯丽和她的父母之间产生矛盾。

5."I had been taking pics for Black Friday shopping when I got a tip Kype was at the hotel, " Nicholas tells us.“我一直在服用黑色星期五购物照片时,我得到了一个提示凯莉在酒店了,”尼古拉告诉我们。

6.Fortunately Kype decided to go with her instincts and chose her acting career.幸运的是剀莉决定跟着自己的感觉走,她选择了表演事业。

7.The fans rushed into the greenroom trying to take photos with Kype Minogue.歌迷们冲进演员休息室,抢着同凯莉。米纳合影。

8.The crowd loved Kype's performance so much that was suggested that she record 'Locomotion' as a single.由于观众特别喜欢剀莉的表演,有人建议剀莉将“火车头”录制为单曲唱片。

9.In 1987, Kype flew over to London to record 'I Should Be So Lucky' and then returned to Austrapa to film the video cpp for the song.1987年凯莉飞到伦敦录制了唱片“我应该如此幸运”,之后又返回澳大利亚为这首歌拍摄了录影带。

10.Within this time Kype had the difficult task of combining important high school studies with her acting.这段时间剀莉开始对一边学习重要的高中课程一边演戏感到吃力。