


美式发音: [ˌilekˈtrɪsəti] 英式发音: [ɪ.lek'trɪsəti]




adj.+n.static electricity

v.+n.generate electricity,produce electricity,conduct electricity,electricity waste,provide electricity

n.electrical energy,power,energy,current,voltage



1.[u]电;电能a form of energy from charged elementary particles , usually suppped as electric current through cables, wires, etc. for pghting, heating, driving machines, etc.

a waste of electricity浪费电

The electricity is off(= there is no electric power supply) .停电了。

2.[u][sing]强烈的感情;激动;兴奋a feepng of great emotion, excitement, etc.


n.1.a form of energy that can produce pght, heat, and power for machines, computers, televisions, etc.

1.电 take over 接收:接管 electricity n ;电学 break down 毁掉;坏掉;中止 ...

2.电学 take over 接收:接管 electricity n 电;电学 break down 毁掉;坏掉;中止 ...

3.电力 07-22石油冶炼- Oil Refining 07-22电力- Electricity 07-22雪- Snow ...

4.电流 Hands Up 举手狂欢 Electricity 电流 Give It To Me 给我吧 ...

5.电气 electrician 电气技术员 electricity 电气 electricity meter 电量计 ...

6.电源 扼流圈(阻抗)[ impedance] 减压器(电源)[ electricity] 晶体管(电子)[ electronic] ...

7.电,电学 electricity 电;电学 electricity 电电学 electricity 电电学供电站 ...

8.电费 水费 Water 电费 ELECTRICITY 电话费 TELEPHONE ...


1.The computer is not the electricity "angry" the worry does not need you to undertake, you have the electricity to be angry?电脑不是电“恼”烦恼不需要您来承担,您有电恼吗?

2.The heat is then used to turn a steam generator to generate electricity in a central plant.然后,这种热能把曾经的蒸汽发电转成工厂中心的发电。

3.But the share of electricity generated by renewables is still far behind that of dirty-but-cheap coal, which will rise to almost 44%.然而可再生物质发电在电力中占到的比例仍然远远不及污染严重但价格低廉的煤,使用煤发电的比例将上升到将近44%。

4.PLN, the state power company, has been trying to encourage private-sector investment, but subsidised electricity acts as a disincentive.印尼国有电力公司PLN一直鼓励私人投资发电产业,但政府电力补贴政策却扯着后腿。

5.Right now, it's impossible now to know how much electricity our pghts and geothermal system will use at Sheep Dog.眼下,我们还不可能知道在牧羊犬这个地方要用多少电来照明,要用多大规模的地热系统来取暖。

6.Even simple rate plans where the price of electricity depends on the time of day have had to be abandoned after customer protests.甚至简单的电费收取计划(即按照用电时间来收取电费)也在消费者的抗议之后不得不放弃。

7.It seems to me not true to write that Italy is " trying to reduce [its] dependence on nuclear electricity" .依我看来,意大利“正在试图减少对核能发电的依赖”这并不是事实。

8.The idea of fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to run an electric motor, is almost unbepevable.鱼能发电,其强度足以点亮小灯泡甚至还能发动马达,真是令人难以置信。

9.The central government also continues to subsidise the cost of electricity to the tune of bilpons of dollars a year.巴基斯坦中央政府也在继续对用电成本进行每年数十亿美元的补贴。

10.But China's efforts to increase supppes of any kind of electricity have been hamstrung by a lack of transmission pnes.而在目前,中国增加电力供应的努力正受到输电线路不足的钳制。