



美式发音: [dʒoʊlt] 英式发音: [dʒəʊlt]




第三人称单数:jolts  现在分词:jolting  过去式:jolted  同义词






v.1.to move with a sudden violent movement, or to make something move like this2.to shock someone so that they suddenly change what they are doing or thinking; to shock someone so that they feel a sudden emotional reaction

n.1.a sudden violent movement2.a sudden strong feeling that does not last long, especially one of surprise or fear; a shock3.a sudden strong increase in energy

1.震动 Implement 工具 Jolting 震动 Supersede 超过 ...

2.震击 ... jellyfish n.水母 jolting 震动, 震击 journalism n.新闻业, 报章杂志 ...

3.令人震惊的 shake 使颠簸,猛击 jolting 令人震惊的 journal 期刊,杂志 ...

4.引人震动的 jolt v. 摇晃 jolting 引人震动的 journalism 新闻业 ...

5.震压造型 jolt squeezing machine 震压造型机 jolting 震压造型 jolting table 震动台 ...

6.我还以为兔子我还以为兔子(Jolting)更多回应 今日人数:0 累计人数:934 发表文章:6 相片数量:18 回应数量:2 分类:兔子心情


1.There was a man sitting beside the driver, probably a relative, and the body was jolting up and down on that not too smooth road.车夫旁边坐了一个男人,或许是个亲戚,而尸体在不太平整的马路上上下颠簸。

2.I was just about to make a little bow of assent, assent, when the meaning of the last words sank in, jolting me out of my sad reverie.我正准备微微鞠躬表示赞同的时候,才逐渐意识到这最后几个词的意思,从而从可怜的幻想中摆脱出来。

3.That suggests the authorities should take drastic steps to reflate the economy, jolting it out of its stupor and weakening the currency.上述情况表明,政府应该采取强有力的措施刺激经济,使经济恢复活力,并且使货币贬值。

4.Drastic jolting during lower gear acceleration is no longer present as well, leading to a stress-free, smooth driving experience.低齿轮加速期间剧烈的摇晃不再存在,导致了自由,驱动平稳。

5.Yet I also wanted a vacation that would not be too jolting for a couple of green travel novices.当然我也希望对2个绿色旅游的新手来说这个度假不要太折腾了。

6.You take your mind off of your current design work, jolting your brain and giving yourself a fresh surrounding to do something in.你把现在的设计工作抛之脑后,晃晃脑袋,给你自己一个新环境来做某件事。

7.Flying over a mascon will be like driving over a speed bump, jolting the two ships and causing them to shake a bit relative to each other.一个质量瘤飞行将像驾驶过速度碰撞,颠簸的两艘军舰和使他们彼此之间的相对抖动了一下。

8.The response to sound stimulus occurs by reflex: the child reacts by crying, jolting or moving his eyelids.声音的刺激会以反射动作来呈现︰孩子透过哭,震动或者移动他的眼睑回应。

9.A jolting, shaking motion rattled in his chest as he climbed the stairs.当他往楼上走时,一种强烈而晃动的情绪涌上了他的心头。

10.A noise rips through the air above the field, jolting me from my melancholy reverie.一个声音撕裂了战场上方的空气,把我从悲伤的思绪中惊醒。